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-Jane's POV-

i wake up at 11:30 and remember it's Saturday.
"good morning, sleepy head." Corinne says when she sees i'm awake. "i was wondering when you were gonna wake up."
"well, apparently 11:30" i tell her, yawing. i get out of bed, shower, brush my teeth and hair, get dressed, and go down to breakfast. i get food and sit with Audrey, Carlos, Corinne, Carly, Chad, Jay, and Lonnie. Carlos eats quickly and leaves.
"where's he going?" i ask.
"who knows" Jay smirks.

-Carlos' POV-

i went down to breakfast and saw that Jane wasn't there yet. i tell my friends what i'm doing today and to not tell Jane. they all agree and i go to the jeweler.

-Jane's POV-

i haven't seen Carlos since breakfast and now it's almost dinner. whenever i ask my friends if they know where he is, they act weird. it isn't until the next day at lunch that Carlos texts me to meet him at our favorite spot, the beach. i text him 'k' and go to the beach. i see Carlos and walk over to him.
"i know i haven't texted or called you all day today or yesterday, but i swear it was for a good reason." he apologizes.
"it better be for a good good reason, Carlos, you had me worried sick!" i tell him. "but i still love you" we kiss passionately and walk along the shore. i notice that he seems really nervous.
"Carlos, what's wrong? you're worried about something." i asks him and he takes a deep breath.
"well, now that you bring it up," he stops walking and turns to me, taking both of my hands. "Jane, i love you more than anything in the world." he let's go of my hands, reaches into his pocket, and gets down on one knee. i cover my mouth with my hands and start crying. "will you marry me?" he asks, opening the box, revealing a diamond ring.
"yes" i cry. he stands up, puts the ring on my finger, and we kiss. we walk along the shore for a little while and  watch the sunset. Carlos drops me off at my dorm and we kiss again. i go into my room and close the door. Corinne is sitting on her bed, the biggest smile on her face.
"hello future sister" she laughs and we hug.
"i'm engaged" i whisper and she nods.
"we're gonna be sisters!" Corrine exclaims and we hug. i fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow. i guess wondering where Carlos was all day took a lot of energy. when i wake up, it's noon. i roll over, grab my phone from my vanity, and check my notifications. there's like a hundred messages and missed calls, all from Carlos. i didn't read most of them, but the last one said, i'm coming over, and that was a minute ago. i quickly call him and tell him that he doesn't have to come and that i'm ok. he insists on coming and give up arguing. i put my phone down and groan. i slowly start to fall back asleep when i hear i knock on the door.
"it's Carlos" Carlos tells me through the door. i tell him to come in and he does. "good afternoon, fairy godsleeper" he jokes. i can't hold back my laughter at the nickname. i slowly get up and dressed. when i'm ready, Carlos and i leave the room and walk around campus, enjoying the weather while it lasts. out of nowhere, it starts pouring. and of course, we're the farthest away from any sort of shelter. we both get soaked and i start laughing. Carlos looks at me and smiles. he takes my hands and pulls me in for a sweet kiss. we pull apart when we hear a loud thunder clap. Carlos squeezes my hand and we run off, laughing. we find 3 big leaves and take one each. we put them over our heads and leave the third one. we manage to get back to the school before the rain gets too hard. we run into the building, sopping wet. the few people that are in the entrance room look at us with different expressions, some disgust and some smiles. someone walks over to us. Alissa. not many people have seen her since Jay posted the video of her but i've been anxious about seeing her ever since.
"get caught in the rain?" she asks "good. you deserve it. both of you." we stand there, each of us hoping for someone to say or do something. i sigh and walk over to Alissa slowly.
"look, Alissa, i never meant to upset you. but i don't even know what i ever did to you to make you hate me. i honestly really think we could me best friends, i really do." i tell her, her eyes widening in disbelief.
"y-you do?"
"yes" her cheeks turn a bright pink. "you're really smart, by the way." i tell her.
"thanks." she sighs "i you never did anything to me, ever. i guess i just wanted someone to hate and take my anger out on." she confesses.
"hug?" i ask, opening my still soaking wet arms. she nods and we hug. when we pull away, i see tears streaming down her cheeks. i put my arm around her, mouth 'bye' to Carlos, and bring Alissa to my room. when we get there, Corinne is sitting on her bed, the TV is on and she's on her phone. she looks up when she hears us come in. to my surprise, she smiles at Alissa.
"i always knew you'd come around" Corinne let's out a small laugh and pats in the spot next to her, signaling Alissa to go sit down. she walks over and sits down. they start taking and i go to the bathroom and change.

i have one thing to say: 1.11 THOUSAND reads. i can't believe it. at first, i only got like 3 reads but now, 1.11 thousand. i can't thank you guys enough.

JARLOS IS ENGAGED!!!!!! whoo hoo!!!!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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