kiss & tell

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-Jane's POV-

after the ball, Carlos walks me to my room. i thank him when we get there.
"wait!" he calls before i close the door. i re-open the door like before. "one more thing," he tells me. "yeah?" i ask him. then, he pecks my lips. when he l pulls away, he's wearing a regretful face.
"i-i'm so sorry. i should go." he apologizes. i grab his hand before he walks away and pull him towards me. to his surprise, i kiss him. it lasted for a few seconds but it felt like forever. we were interrupted by Audrey and Jay.
"Jane?!" Audrey pretty much screams. "wait until FGM (Fairy Godmother) heats about this!"
"please don't tell her!" i beg her.
"i won't tell her on one condition, dog boy stops hating me." Audrey says, smirking. Jay is confused and Carlos is mad. "what?" Jay asks, very confused.
"dog boy here hates me." Audrey fake pouts.
"Carlos, if you hate my girlfriend, then i guess i'll hate yours." Jay spits and then walks over to me and pushes me, making me fall back a little. Carlos catches me before Audrey and Jay walk off. i look at Carlos and he's a mixture of anger and regret.
"it's ok, it won't stay like this, i promise." i tell Carlos and pull him into a hug. he pulls away and walks off, not saying a word to me. i sigh and close the door. i get into my pajamas and get into bed. i instantly fall asleep.

the next morning, i check my clock. 11:30. i get out of bed and remember its Sunday. i get dressed and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair. after that, i decide to call Evie.
(J=Jane. E=Evie)
E- hey Jane, what's up?
J- not much. do you think you and Mal can come over? i need to talk to both of you.
E- sure. right now?
J- yeah.
E- k were in our way.
-end of call-

when i hear a knock on my door, i open it, revealing Mal and Evie.
"come in" i tell them and they walk in. i close the door behind them and begin to tell them what happened last night.
"at the ball, Carlos looked mad when Audrey and Jay were talking." i begin, "when we got back to my room," i blush before continuing. "we kissed" they look at each other and smile. "but we were interrupted by Audrey and Jay and Audrey said that she was going to tell my mom and when i asked her not to, she said that she wouldn't if Carlos stopped hating her. Jay was obviously very confused and Audrey said that Carlos hates her, which might be true but i don't know, and then Jay said that if Carlos hates his girlfriend, then he'll hate me," i tell them. "he doesn't mean that." Mal tells me. "but after he did that, he came over and pushed me and stormed off with Audrey." i finish.
"what did Carlos do after that?" Evie asks. "well i hugged him and then he walked off, not saying a word to me." i tell them. all three of us are clearly worried, Jay and Carlos have always been best friends. when i hear a knock on the door, i open it and Audrey runs in, tears streaming down her face. she runs towards me and pulls me into a hug.
"Jane, i'm so sorry." she cries into my shoulder. she doesn't notice Mal and Evie's angry faces. "i have no clue what i was thinking! Jay and i aren't dating! i promise!" Audrey continues to cry and i bring her into the room.
"we're gonna go talk to the boys" Mal says, walking out of the room with Evie. Audrey continues to cry.
"it's ok." i assure her.

once Audrey calmed down, she left. i sit down at my desk and start doing some homework. until a very stressed Carlos come running into my room and hurries towards me.
"i'm so sorry for last night. i barely managed to get away from Mal and Evie which is why i can't stay long. i need to tell you something." he tells me. "yeah?" i ask him.
"i- we-" he sighs before continuing, "we can't be together. i'm sorry." he finishes and walks out of my room without a word. when the door closes, i burst into tears. Mal and Evie must have been looking for Carlos in my room when run into my room. "what the HECK did Jay do to you?!" Mal shouts.
"it's - not - Jay, - Carlos-" i sob.
"what the HECK did Carlos do to you?!" Evie shouts.
"h-he came in- a-and b-broke up w-w-with me-e" i continue to cry when Mal says, "Carlos is about to have a reunion with my fist!" Mal shouts before dashing out of the room, leaving me crying into Evie's shoulder. she pats me on the back before suggesting, "how about you come with me to my room and we see together? that always helps me when i'm upset." i nod and we go to her room.

oh no, Carlos and Jane broke up?! thanks for reading!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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