another wedding part 2

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   -Jane's POV-

   last week, Lonnie told me that her wedding is in 2 weeks, so one week now. today, Audrey, Carly, and i are going to the spa. we're getting
mani-pedis. right now, we're sitting in the chairs, getting our nails done.
"so, what do you want to do after this?" Audrey asks.
"well, i kinda want to get highlights" i tell her.
"ok. so after this, we'll go to the hair salon" she tells us. after we leave the spa, we go to the salon and i get highlights.

tomorrow is the wedding and i'm in Audrey, Carly, and Lonnie's room with Audrey, Corinne and Lonnie talking. then, Carly comes running into the room.
"guys, you know Max?" she asks us and we nod. "he just asked me out!"
"congratulations! do you like him?" Audrey asks her and she blushes.
"yes, i've been in heaven ever since i first saw him." she says dreamily. we laugh and talk for a while. Lonnie and i decide to go on a walk to help get rid of some nerves. when we get back, it's night and we say goodnight and go back to our rooms. i change quietly and go to bed.

the next morning, i wake up and Corinne isn't there, so i check my phone. i got notifications from all my friends.
Corinne- i'm coming over, Lonnie. Jane is still asleep so i'm gonna wake her up.
Lonnie- no, it's fine. let her sleep in. she stayed up late last night
Corinne- ok. i'll text Carlos to pick her up later.
Lonnie- k
i get up and dressed. i go to Audrey, Carly, and Lonnie's room and go in.
"hey, Jane" Audrey says. i say hi back and text Carlos to pick me up here, instead of my room. i help get ready and keep Lonnie calm. half and hour before the wedding, someone knocks on the door and Corinne opens it.
"oh, hi Carlos" she says and i look up. "i'll ask her. Jane, are you ready?" she asks me. i nod, put my shoes on, wish Lonnie good luck, and go to the door. Carlos is standing there.
"you look beautiful," he says. "as always" he adds and i blush. he pecks my lips, i say goodbye to everyone, and we leave.
"you look amazing" Carlos says and i roll my eyes.
"thank you" i say and we walk to the wedding hall. "so, when should we have our wedding?" i ask him out of the blue and he looks at me, surprised.
"whenever you want" he says, kissing my cheek.
"that's helpful" i joke and he laughs. "we should have it on the beach." i tell him.
"yeah, i like that. but we'll have to wait a while before we can so the weather is nice." he tells me and i nod. we talk a little longer and the wedding starts.
(A/N: here are everyone's outfits)

(A/N: here are everyone's outfits)

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(i still don't know much about weddings, and i probably won't for Jarlos' wedding either

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(i still don't know much about weddings, and i probably won't for Jarlos' wedding either. DONT COME FOR ME!)

at the reception, i'm getting some food when i see Carly and Max making out. i smile, get food, and go back to my seat. i whisper to Audrey and Corinne what i saw and they giggle.

after the wedding, Corinne and i walk back to our rooms. we don't talk much, because it's almost 1 a.m. and we're both tired. when we get to my room, i change, and go to sleep.

~one week later~

-Carlos' POV-

today i'm helping Jay move out. he and Lonnie are moving in together in a house they bought the other day.
"so, are you excited?" i ask him.
"yeah, i still can't believe that i'm married. and before i know it, we'll have kids and they'll have kids..." he trails off and i smile.
"don't get too far ahead of yourself." i joke and he rolls his eyes. we finish packing and go to the house. we look around and unpack a little when Lonnie and Jane come in, empty handed.
"where's all your stuff?" i ask them.
"out there" Lonnie tells us, pointing outside. "we wanted to look around a little before bringing the stuff in. oh, and, Audrey, Carly, Corinne, Mal, and Evie are on their way"
"for what?"
"to help, of course! i have a lot of stuff" Lonnie tells us. when Audrey, Carly, Corinne, Mal, and Evie come, they help bring in Lonnie's bags and boxes. when they're done, we go into the bedroom. there's bags, boxes, jars, cans, and a lot of other things.
"what did you bring, all of China?" Jay jokes and Lonnie rolls her eyes and he pecks her lips.
"we'll leave you two alone." i say, taking Jane's hand and walking out. we start walking back to her room but she stops me.
"come, let's go on a walk." she tells me and we walk around campus for a while.
"so, when do you want to move in together?" she asks me.
"not sure. whenever you want is fine." i tell her and we talk about moving in. we sit on one of the benches, i take out my laptop, and we look at houses.

Jonnie is married and moved in together!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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