missing you

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-Carlos' POV-

   i went to my room, regretting what i just did. i was in my room for a minute until Mal came bursting through the door, her hands were fists.
"whatever happened, it was Jay!" i plead.
"oh so you waltzing into Jane's room, breaking up with her, and walking away is all Jay's doing?" Mal spits.
"i- no" i sigh. "i don't want Jay to hurt her."
"and he won't." Mal says. "Carlos, she loves you. she doesn't care what anyone does to her, as long as she has you. but now she doesn't have you and that's your fault. so unless you go over there and apologize, your face will meet my face."

-Jane's POV-

   we get to Evie's room and she shows me how to sew. she was right. sewing was relaxing. we sewed and talked about life and things like that until Mal came bursting through the door (wow, second time this chapter lol), holding Carlos' wrist.
"Jane, Carlos has something to say to you and Evie and i will wait outside." Mal tells me before grabbing Evie's wrist and slammed the door behind them. Carlos and i stand there awkwardly. then he breaks the silence.
"Jane, i'm so sorry. i just don't want Jay to hurt you" he apologizes.
"he won't" i mutter and his head pops up. "what do you mean?" he asks me and i tell him about Audrey crying.
"wow, i feel horrible" Carlos says when i finish telling him what happened. "i just feel like... after what happened..." he sighs before continuing, "i feel like she's gonna do something to Jay and i don't fully trust her yet. she wanted to kill Mal, Jane."
"i know but we're past that. she apologized way more than she had to and she's really sorry." i tell him. i hug him and we both apologize. "so, are we still dating?" Carlos asks and i nod.
"good because, i love you." he says and i freeze. there is dead silence for a few seconds before i respond, "i love you too" and we kiss. then i remember what happened with Jay.
"let's go get your best friend back." i tell him, pulling away. he nods and we start looking for Jay (they leave the room to look for him).


-Carlos' POV-

we look almost everywhere but can find Jay. then an idea pops into my head. "let's check the tourney field" i tell Jane. and sure enough, he's sitting on the bleachers, looking upset. when he spits us coming towards him, he makes an angry face.
"hey Jay" i say just above a whisper, my eyes locked on my feet. he's staring at the ground, too.
"what do you want?" he sighs. i open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Jane notices this and takes the words out of my mouth.
"we're here to apologize. Audrey told me what happened and it isn't your fault." Jane tells Jay, sitting next to him and putting a hand on his shoulder. "and i believe Carlos has somethings to say to you." she continues and i sigh.
"just one thing," a smile spreads across my face when i say, "catch me if you can!" and i run off. when i look over my shoulder, i see Jay chasing me, a smile across his face. i come to a sudden stop, causing Jay to tackle me onto the ground. we both start laughing together as he messes up my hair.
"so are we cool?" i ask him in a hopeful voice. he makes a fake thinking face.
"hmm... i'll have to think about it." he stops for a second or two "just kidding!"
"so, are we cool or not? i'm confused."
"if course we are!" he laughs, helping me up.

yay! another chapter done! cya next time!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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