the royal wedding

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quick disclaimer: i don't know much about weddings so if i get something wrong, please don't come after me.

-Carlos' POV-

   Doug, Chad, Jay, and i are with Ben in his room. we finish getting ready at 1:30. i text Jane and tell her that we're going to the wedding setup. she responds with an 'ok' and we go down.
everything looks great.
"wow, the decorating committee really stepped up their game" Chad says in awe. we all nod and chill for awhile.

~time skip~

-no one's POV-

    when all the guests were seated and quiet, people started coming down the isle. first, Ben. then Carlos and Jane, who were followed by Audrey and Chad (p.s. they aren't dating), followed by Jay and Lonnie. when Evie and Doug came down the isle, the bride's music started to play and everyone stood up. a very nervous yet excited Mal came down the isle and everyone smiled. when she got to the front, Ben took her hand and led her up the steps. (then the did the vows and stuff.)
"you may kiss the bride" Ben kissed Mal and everyone broke out in cheers.

-Jane's POV-

right now i'm dancing with everyone. we dance for a while and then there's speeches. (a lot of people had speeches but i'm only doing Evie's.)
"Mal, wow. i met you when we were just 3 years old! and here we are, i'm giving a speech at your wedding in Auradon! you've always been there for me, and the boys, whenever we need you. we came here with one job, to bring down the barrier and set our parents free. but when you finally could, you chose love. and that's the best thing you've ever done. i just gonna be the boys for a second here and say, Ben, if you do anything to Mal or Ruby, i will come for you. anyways, i love you, M. never change. you're gonna be a great queen." Evie says but before she can get down and hug Mal, Doug stops here. he looks very nervous.
"um, hi everyone." he says and turns to Evie, taking her hand. "Evie, when i first saw you, i instantly fell in love. you're my other half and i couldn't be happier to call you mine." he turns the microphone off, gets down on one knee, puts the microphone down, and takes a box out of his pocket. everyone either gasped or 'aww'ed.
"i love you, Evie. will you marry me?" he asks, opening the box. tears start streaming down her face as she nods. everyone starts cheering. Doug slips the ring on her finger and they kiss. many hugs go around and everyone's excited.

when the party ends, Carlos walks me back to my room. we talk along the way.
"wow, another wedding" i say and he nods. he looks a little upset. "what's wrong?" i ask him and he sighs.
"Jane, do you love me?" he asks, stopping and turning to me. i look at him in confusion.
"of course" i assure him. "Carlos, of course i love you with all my heart. why?"
"if i asked, would you marry me?" he asks me.
"well, i at least want to me a few months into our senior year before getting married. why?"
"i just don't know if i enough for you. because of where and how i grew up-" he says but i cut him off with a long, sweet kiss. he's shocked at first, but then kissed me back.
"Carlos, you're more than enough for me." i assure him when we pull away.
when we get to my room, i kiss him goodnight and he leaves. i sigh and close the door. i forget i share a room with Audrey and Lonnie. i turn around and they're both looking at me.
"what was that about?" Lonnie asks me and i shrug.
"he thinks he isn't good enough for me" i sigh.
"what did you tell him?" Audrey asks.
"i told him that he's more than good enough for me and kissed him" i tell them, getting my pajamas and changing. "i just don't want him to change who he is for me." i say goodnight to them and go to bed. i can't sleep. the thought of Carlos changing who he is for me and a few tears fall down my face. i finally fall asleep.

Carlos changes who he is and his appearance. he breaks up with me and i become ugly again. Carlos and Alissa start dating and everyone bullies me. even Lonnie and Audrey. i grab a knife and cut myself.
"Jane! Jane! Jane!" i shoot awake, dripping sweat. Audrey and Lonnie are standing over my bed, both very scared and nervous.
"Jane! are you ok?!" Audrey asks me.
"why do you care?" i spit at them, causing them to look confused.
"Jane, you were yelling in your sleep." Lonnie tells me.
"then you took your fingernail and somehow cut your self." Audrey tells me, holing up my wrist and showing it to me. there's a line of blood exactly where i cut myself in my dream. i sigh and apologize. they forgive me and Lonnie goes to the bathroom. she comes back a few seconds later hoding two wet washcloths. she gives one to Audrey and uses the other to wipe my face. Audrey carefully dabs my cut and brings me to the bathroom. she gets a cream and a big bandaid out of the cabinet.
"so, tell us more about this dream" Lonnie says, walking in. Audrey puts some of the cream on to the bandaid and puts it on my cut, causing me to wince in pain.
"well, Carlos changed how he acted and broke up with me. i became ugly again and he started dating Alissa. everyone bullied me, even you guys and then i took a knife and cut myself." i tell them and they both look very concerned.
"do you want us to call Carlos and tell him to come?" Lonnie offers and i nod.
"what time is it?" i ask when Lonnie leaves.
"6:00. we were trying to get you to wake up for and hour" Audrey sighs and i apologize.

long. chapter. 1,050 words. wow.

let's hope Jane'll be ok!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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