ANOTHER wedding part 3

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-Jane's POV-

i wake up the morning of the wedding like i would any other morning but when i remember that i'm at Jay and Lonnie's house, i panic. i hear a knock on the door and tell whoever it to come in. Lonnie comes in with the biggest smile on her face.
"so, are you excited?" she asks me.
"y-yeah?" i respond, unsure.
"Jay left about and hour ago to help Carlos and the girls should be here soon" she tells me, looking at her watch. i nod and go wash my face and brush my teeth. Lonnie told me to meet her in her room when i was done, so i did. when i walk in, Audrey, Corrine, Lonnie, Mal, Evie, and Ruby are in there.
"Jane! hi!" Evie exclaims.
"h-hi" i say, barely above a whisper.
"don't worry, after today, we'll be sisters!" Corinne tells me excitedly.
"come, Evie's getting your dress ready and Audrey is gonna do your makeup now." Lonnie tells me. i go over to the vanity and sit down. Corinne plays with Ruby as Audrey does my makeup. when she's done, Evie tells me my dress is ready.
"go put it on but don't zip it or anything" she says, handing me the dress. i nod and go into the other room to change. i go back into the bedroom when the dress is on and Evie zips it up and makes sure it looks good. Audrey starts doing my hair, Corinne and Evie get dressed, and Mal gets Ruby dressed and puts on her dress. we're all talking and i can tell that they're making sure i stay calm. i yawn repeatedly from hardly being able to sleep last night.
"Mal, how did you sleep the night before your wedding? you did become queen" i ask.
"well, you weren't there when she woke up at 3 in the morning" Evie laughs. Audrey finishes doing my hair by putting the veil in my hair. she goes and gets ready and all the bridesmaids wear flower crowns.
"ok, let's go" Lonnie says. at these words, i freeze and my heart starts thumping. we all go to the beach, everyone making sure we don't run into Carlos and making sure that we don't see each other. we take many pictures and when it's time, everyone walks down the isle.
"don't worry, you got this" Lonnie tells me before walking down with Jay.

-Carlos' POV-

   Jay and Lonnie come down the isle and the music for the bride starts playing and everyone stands up. Jane starts walking down the isle.
(A/N: here are the outfits)

(A/N: here are the outfits)

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   Jane's face is pale and she looks very nervous

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   Jane's face is pale and she looks very nervous. she reaches the end of the isle and we get married.
"you may kiss the bride" Jane and i kiss. when we pull away, everyone's cheering and Jane and i look each other in the eyes for a few seconds. everyone comes and congratulates us and we dance and eat. when the last guests leave, Jane and i (i'm so used to writing Carlos and i) go home, change, and go to sleep. when i wake up, it's light outside and i hear people outside. i see Jane is asleep and i check the time. 12:00, wow. i quietly go to the bathroom and get ready. when i walk back into the bedroom, Jane is still asleep. i walk over to her and peck her lips. her eyes slowly open and she smiles.
"hi" she whispers.

-Jane's POV-

i check my phone and Lonnie is calling me.
(L=Lonnie. J=Jane.)
J- hey Lon. what's up?
J- how'd it go?
L- horrible! it was parents first time meeting him, don't forget. my parents forbade Jay and i from being together and that i- [pause] have to get rid of the baby. [crying]
J- want me to come over?
L- yes
J- ok i'll be right over
L- i'm at my parents house
J- ok
~end of call~
i get ready and go to Mulan and Shang's house. i knock on the door and Mulan answers the door.
"hello, Jane"
"hi. is Lonnie here?"
"shes in her room" i nod, walk inside, and go to Lonnie's room. the door is slightly open and i open it fully. Lonnie's on her bed, crying. i close the door and walk over to her, putting my a around her. she hugs me and i hug her back. she sobs into my shoulder and i pat her back.
"Lonnie, look at me." i tell her and she looks at me "we will find a way past this. i promise" i assure her. she nods but keeps crying. i continue to comfort her. out of nowhere, she runs to the bathroom and starts throwing up. i forgot she's pregnant. i go over to the bathroom, get a washcloth out of the cabinet, wet it, and give to Lonnie. when she's done, she wipes her mouth and continues crying. i'm gonna need backup, i think to myself. i call Audrey, Alissa, and Corinne and tell them to come over. when they come, Corinne whispers to me how she barely made it past Lonnie's parents. we manage to calm Lonnie down and leave.

hey guys! so i'm gonna finish this  book soon but idk when. DONT WORRY! there's gonna be a second book! i'll announce what it's called and when it's out.

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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