another wedding

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-Jane's POV-

   Audrey, Corinne, Carly, Lonnie, and i wake up at 5 a.m. to help Evie and Mal with the final preparations for the wedding. we're all well rested because we went to sleep early last night. we quietly sneak to Evie's castle. Doug spent the night at Mal and Ben's castle, while Mal and Ruby stayed at Evie's castle. we get there and see a very stressed Evie, Mal trying to calm her down, and Ruby attempting to run over to Audrey.
"hello guys" Mal says and brings us to a corner. "i don't want Evie to get even more stressed so i'm telling you all what to do quietly." she says barely above a whisper. "Audrey and Carly, i need you two to get Ruby ready. her outfit is the guest room, right down the hall. a picture of her hairstyle is on the vanity." the two girls nod, get Ruby, and leave the room. "Jane, i need you to help me with Evie's dress. Lonnie, can you do hair?" Mal asks Lonnie and she nods. "great. Lonnie, you're gonna do Evie's hair when she's in her dress. until then, you can get ready, you too Corinne. Jane, you're also doing makeup." we nod and head off to do what we were assigned.
"i'm gonna get Evie in her dress. Jane, you can go change, just don't do your hair or put on your shoes yet." Mal tells me. i nod and go change. (i'll put a picture of everyone's outfits after) when i'm done, i go back to Evie's room and help Mal with Evie's dress.
"go get your dress on, Mal" i tell her and she nods.
"just take deep breaths" i tell Evie, leading her in deep breaths. "it's gonna be ok. everything's perfect. and just think, you're getting married! married!" i tell her.
"thanks, Jane. how are you so good at keeping people calm?" she asks me and i shrug.
"when you share a dorm with Audrey, you have to be used to daily mental breakdowns" i tell her, causing her to laugh. "that's the spirit, let it out! let all your laughs out! think of funny things!" i tell her and she bursts out laughing.
"why - is - this - so - funny?" she asks in between laughs. i shrug. "you'll have to teach Doug that one" she tells me and i nod as Mal comes back into the room.
"Mal, you can go finish getting ready, i've got Evie" i tell her while Evie continues dying of laughter. she's confused but nods and walks off.
"alright, Miss Laugh-a-lot, let's fix your dress, shall we?" i ask her and she nods. i fix her dress as Lonnie comes into the room. she's all ready except she's not wearing shoes.
"i'm here to do Evie's hair" she tells us. i nod and go get ready. i walk into the guest room and see Corinne playing with Ruby, Carly talking to them, and Audrey finishing Mal's hair. she and Ruby are the only ones fully ready, and they look great.
"ah, Jane. how'd it to with Evie?" Audrey asks me, signaling me to sit down when Mal stands up. i tell them what happened as Audrey does my hair and makeup. after that, she does Evie's makeup and we all go to the royal garden, where the wedding is being held. Mal stays with Evie inside the Royal Castle. Audrey carefully picks Ruby up and Audrey, Corinne, Carly, Lonnie, Ruby, and i go downstairs to where the boys are waiting. it's 11 a.m. and the wedding starts at noon.

-Carlos' POV-

i'm waiting for the girls right at the bottom of the stairs with the guys. when the girls come, they all look stunning.

 when the girls come, they all look stunning

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"you... look..." i start so say to Jane when she reaches the bottom of the stairs. i'm lost for words. "amazing" i tell her when i find my words. she blushes and i kiss her passionately. when we pull apart, her face is as red as a tomato.
"you're so cute when you blush" i tell her, causing her face to turn an even darker red.
"where's Mal?" Ben asks, taking Ruby from Audrey.
"she's with Evie. you know, stopping her from losing her mind." Corinne laughs. Jane tells Doug what she did to calm Evie down.
"just remember that, you'll need it" she tells him and he nods.
"how about we try it out on Doug?" Jay smirks and as if on cue, everyone starts roaring with laughter. (i'm laughing just writing this lol.) when it's wedding time, (A/N: i still don't know much about weddings so don't attack me.) i walk down the isle, my arm locked with Jane's. then, Jay and Lonnie, Audrey and Chad (they're still not dating), Mal and Ben, Ruby,

 then, Jay and Lonnie, Audrey and Chad (they're still not dating), Mal and Ben, Ruby,

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and, finally, Evie.

(they do all the wedding stuff and they kiss and everyone cheers) i peck Jane's lips and we congratulate the newly wedded couple

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(they do all the wedding stuff and they kiss and everyone cheers) i peck Jane's lips and we congratulate the newly wedded couple. i walk over to Doug and pat him on the shoulder.
"good job, man. you guys deserve each other." i tell him. "but if you hurt her or the baby, Jay and i will come for you" he slowly nods and i walk off.

yay!! another wedding DOWN! only a few more to go! one of the next chapters will be Evie giving birth. i promise!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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