the ball

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-at the ball-

-Carlos' POV-

   i was waiting at the bottom of the white big, wide staircase waiting for Jane. when she comes, i'm speechless. she looks beautiful. (i would explain her outfit but i already did so yeah.) when she reaches the bottom of the stairs, i take her hand and bring her to the dance floor. when we start dancing, an upbeat song is playing. the next song is a slow song. once we get into position for the song, i stare into her beautiful baby blue eyes. when she notices, she laughs.
"i could stare at your eyes for days." i tell her, causing her to blush. "you look amazing."

   when the slow song is over, we go to the refreshment table. i turn my head towards where Jay is standing. i make my hands into fists when i see who he's flirting with. Audrey.
"Carlos? are you ok?" Jane asks me looking where i'm looking.
"wha- oh, yeah. i'm fine." i assure her. she puts a bite-size chocolate brownie in her mouth, somehow getting chocolate on her face. she still looks beautiful though.
"how can someone have chocolate on their face and still look beautiful?" i laugh and she wipes the chocolate off her face and licks it. "there."

sorry for the short chapter!

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