the spell

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-Jane's POV-

i walk back to campus and see Carlos sitting under a tree reading a book, alone. i sneak up behind him and cover his eyes.
"guess who" i say.
"hmm. can i get back to you on that?" he asks and stands up. once he's standing, he turns around and hugs me, picking me up, making sure not to hurt my wrist. he puts me down and i take his hand.
"come, let's go on a walk." he says, running, still holding my hand. he leads me into the forest and stops at the enchanted lake. there's two people in the gazebo, lips locked. Carlos and i go a little close and see Jay and Lonnie. i put my head on Carlos' shoulder before they pull apart and look at us in embarrassment. their cheeks turn a dark red and Carlos and i laugh.
"we'll leave you two lovebirds alone" Carlos laughs and we walk away. he takes me back to my dorm and we talk like we usually do.
"Carlos, are you cheating on me?" i ask him out of nowhere. he looks at me, clearly confused.
"what?" he asks and i look down.
"my nightmare from the other night, i know that it didn't happen but..." i sigh. "a part of me is telling me that it did happen and that you and Alissa are dating and that you're cheating on me" i tell him. he puts his finger underneath my chin and picks my head up, our eyes meeting.
"Jane, i love you more than anything in the world and i would never ever cheat on you," he tells me "especially not with Alissa" he adds, a small smile on his face. i nod and we kiss. we get to my dorm and kiss each other goodnight and i close the door when he leaves.
and hour or so later, Lonnie comes in, a big grin on her face. i already told Audrey what Carlos and i saw and we all laugh.
"so..." Audrey says, teasingly. "care to tell us what happened?"
"well, i have a boyfriend, (A/N: i wanted them to be engaged, but they never really dated so yeah) and we went on a date and i'm happy" Lonnie tells us, a huge grin on her face. she and Audrey go to sleep and i get in bed when my phone rings. i look at it. Carly, Rapunzel's daughter and one of Alissa's 'followers.'
(C=Carly. J=Jane.)
C- Jane?
J- yes?
C- you can't tell Alissa that i'm telling you this, but she put a love spell on Carlos. you might not believe me but the only way to break the spell is true loves kiss.
J- ok thanks for telling me.
-end of call-

the next morning, i tell Audrey and Lonnie what Carly said.
"well, if he's with Alissa, at least you know he's under a spell." Lonnie says and i nod. then someone knocks on the door and before any of us can open it, Jay runs in.
"guys, Carlos is acting really weird" he tells us.
"he's under a love spell" i tell him
"who gave it to him?"
"well you have to break it, he's making me really uncomfortable" Jay begs me and i nod. he leaves and the girls and i get ready. i put on a simple baby blue short sleeve dress and wear my hair down and we go to breakfast. right outside the cafeteria, we see Carlos and Alissa making out. i roll my eyes and go into the cafeteria. we go to where we usually sit with our friends and i tell them what happened.
"go away" Carlos says to me, walking over with Alissa. "my girlfriend needs a seat and you're sitting in it."
"actually, i'm gonna stay here. you and your 'girlfriend' can go sit somewhere else." i reply and Carlos jumps at me but i dodge him.
"she said that she's gonna stay here." Lonnie spits and Carlos rolls his eyes before walking away. "how long are you gonna leave him like this?"
"not sure." i respond.
"well, the longer he's under the spell, the stronger it get and the harder it is to break" Mal says, knowing a lot about love spells. she's quickly stopping by to eat breakfast with us and say hi before going back to the castle. i nod and look over to Carlos. he's putting something into Alissa's mouth and they're both giggling. they're sitting at a table with Carly and Chad's younger sister, Emma. when she notices that i'm looking over there, Carly looks at me with a sad look.
"guys!" Audrey exclaims and we all snap out attention to her. "i have an idea! so you all know how the whole school believes Alissa's rumors?" she asks and we nod our heads yes. "we need to get Carlos and Jane in front of the whole school so she can kiss him and break the spell!"
"so no one will believe her rumors anymore! Audrey you're a genius!" i exclaim.
"but how are we gonna get the whole school together and convince Carlos to go in front of them without Alissa?" Jay asks.
"we can ask Ben or my mom to gather the whole school and Carlos can go up with Alissa, as long as i can kiss him" i tell them.
"i think we should ask your mom, since Ben and Mal are almost always busy these days." Chad says and i nod.

hey guys! (i'm running out of things to write down here) will Jane be able to break the spell? keep reading to find out!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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