welcome to this world

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~time skip~
it's 8 1/2 months later (i don't know what to write about Mal's pregnancy so she's due soon.)

-Jane's POV-

today i'm spending the day with Mal, like i promised her but we're taking it slow. right now we're in Mal's room, talking about stuff. Ben has meeting after meeting after meeting everyday, which is very hard on Mal. we start talking about names for the baby (they don't know the gender).
"i think that-" i start to say but i'm cut off by Mal screaming in pain. "Mal!" i yell, running over to her to support her.
"i'm in labor!" she screams and i slightly panic. i grab my bag and bring her to the car. i help her sit down in the passenger seat and i sit in the drivers seat. when we get to the hospital, i bring Mal inside and to the front desk.
"hi i'm Jane Godmother." i tell the receptionist "and my friend's in labor." she nods and takes Mal to a room. the receptionist told me that only family can be in the room. i nod, sit down in the waiting room and call everyone, Ben first.

-Ben's POV-

i'm in a very important meeting when my phone rings. it's Jane. i quickly press decline but then she calls me again. i excuse myself quickly and pick up.
(J=Jane. B=Ben.)
B- Jane? what's is it?
J- Mal's in labor!
B- ok i'll be right there.
~end of call~

i run to the car and go to the hospital. i see Jane and she tells me what room Mal's in. i go in and take her hand.
"it's gonna be ok." i whisper in her ear, rubbing her head.

-Evie's POV-

i'm on a date with Doug when both our phones chime. i look at my phone and see i got a message from Jane.
Mal's in labor.
i look at Doug and we go to the hospital.

-Carlos' POV-

i'm on my way to Mal and Evie's room to check on them. when i get there, the room's empty. i take my phone to call Jane but she's calling me.
(J=Jane. C=Carlos)
C- hey Jane. i came to check on y-
J- Mal's in labor!
C- i'm on my way
~end of call~

-Ben's POV-

Mal's squeezing my hand and i'm squeezing hers. then she loosens her grip. our baby's screams fill the room. when the screams stop, one of the doctors hands Mal our baby girl. she's wrapped in a small blanket, asleep.
"she's perfect." i whisper in Mal's ear and kiss the top of her head.
"would you like us to let your friends in?" the doctor asks us. "sure" i respond. when the doctor opens the door, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Jane, Lonnie, Audrey, and Chad (yes, i know he's a jerk. just pretend he isn't a jerk) come running into the room the second the door opens. Mal and i laugh as all the girls ask if they can see our daughter. when she shows them, everyone let's out "aww"s. Jay puts his hand on my shoulder.
"good job, man" he says. "but if you do anything to hurt either of them, it'll be the last thing to do." he says and i nod.

-Jane's POV-

everyone slowly starts leaving the hospital until it's just Mal, Ben, their daughter, Carlos and i. when say bye, Carlos and i go back to our dorms.
"thanks for helping Mal." Carlos says, pecking my lips when we get to my room. "no problem" i say and yawn, causing Carlos to laugh. when we say goodnight, Carlos walks away and i close the door and go to bed.

sorry for the short chapter! i think the next one will be what the baby's name is.

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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