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~time skip a few months~

-Jane's POV-

i'm sitting at lunch with my friends like usual. none of us have seen or heard from Evie or Doug all day. Bens quickly stopping by when his phone rings.
"i'll be right back" he tells us and walks away. around a minute later, he comes back with a huge grin on his face. "that was Doug" he tells us and we all stare at him. "Evie had the baby!" we all run to the hospital where Mal and Doug are with Evie and their new baby boy.
"he's so cute!" i exclaim.
"the doctors told us that he has Doug's green eyes" Evie tells us. i give her and her son a small hug.
"do you what his name is going to be?" Lonnie asks and Evie and Doug look at each other and nod.
"Tyler." they tell us and tears start to form in Evie's eyes. she pulls her new son closer and hugs him.

~time skip~
it's January, Tyler is 6 months old.

-Jane's POV-

Audrey, Corinne, Carly, Evie, Mal, Ruby, Tyler, and i are in the playroom of Evie's castle. Audrey and Corinne are playing with Ruby and Tyler, who are giggling uncontrollably. we're just having a girls day, with Tyler. Doug and Ben are stopping by soon to pick up Ruby and Tyler so the girls and i can have some time together. we hear a knock on the door.
"come in" Evie says and Carlos and Doug walk in.
"hi Ben had an emergency meeting, so he couldn't pick up Ruby." Doug's tells us, pecking Evie's lips. "so Carlos is here to help. we're taking them to the park and Chad's meeting us there." they walk over to the little kids that are still playing with Audrey and Corinne and Doug picks up Tyler.
"come, Ruby. let's go to the park" Carlos tells Ruby but she shakes her head.
"i wanna stay wiw Auwi Aui an' Coween" she says.
"well, now it's time to play with uncle Carlos and Doug." Corinne tells her but she still refuses to leave. "how about if i tell you something cool about uncle Carlos, you'll go with them?" Corinne asks her and she nods. "your uncle Carlos is my twin" Ruby looks at her, puzzled.
"it means that they were born together" Evie tells her.
"coo" Ruby says, taking Carlos' hand. i give him a quick kiss as he walks out.
"wanna chill my my room?" Evie asks us and we nod.
"Ruby and Tyler are the cutest" Corinne says, plopping down on Evie and Doug's bed.
"yeah" Carly says. Lonnie's phone rings and she steps out of the room and answers it.
"sorry guys, i gotta go. Jay just told me to go to meet him at the enchanted lake." she tells us when she walks in.
"bye, have fun." Corrine says before Lonnie waves goodbye and leaves.
"how much longer until they tie the knot?" i ask the girls.
"who knows, but those two are a match made in haven" Audrey says.
"what i want to know, Jane, is when are you and Carlos tying the knot?" Corinne asks.
"well, i told him that i want to be at least be a few months into our senior year before getting married or pregnant." i tell them. "so i guess whenever" i shrug.
"you two are the cutest couple i've ever seen in my whole life!" Audrey exclaims and all the girls nod in agreement.
"yeah, it's not everyday that you meet someone like Carlos" Mal tells us and Evie nods. "but do you guys remember what he was like when we first came to Auradon?"
"yeah, a little chicken with chocolate on his face!" Evie says and we all start laughing.
"and his curly hair!" Audrey says. we talk for a few more hours when Lonnie comes running into the room. she has a huge smile on her face. when she closed the door, i noticed something on her finger and gasp.
"Lonnie-" i start to say.
"JAY PROPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she squeals and we all start congratulating her.
"well, i guess that answers our question." Carly says.

-Carlos' POV-

Doug, Chad, Ben, and i were walking back to Ben's castle to drop off Ben and a sleeping Ruby when Jay jumps in front of us.
"i-have-been-looking-for-you-everywhere" he pants. "iproposedtoLonnie"
"did you just say what i think you just said?" i ask him.
"i proposed to Lonnie!" he tells us and we congratulate him. we drop Ben and Ruby off and head for Evie and Doug's castle. we drop Doug and Tyler off and go inside but Evie tells us that the girls went back to their dorms. Chad walks off and Jay and i walk back to our room.
"great, now i'm the only one in our group that hasn't either proposed or got married." i pout.
"well, what are you waiting for?" Jay asks me.
"well, Jane said that she wanted to be at least a few years into our senior year before getting married or pregnant" i tell him.
"well, you're already 5 months into your senior year."
"oh yeah. what am i waiting for? but how to i make sure i get the perfect ring for her?" i ask him. he tells me where he, Ben, Doug, and even Adam (the beast) got their engagement rings. i nod as we walk into our dorm room and go to sleep.

more people are engaged!!!! woot woot!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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