don't worry

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-Carlos' POV-

   i'm asleep when my phone rings, waking me up. i answer it before Jay wakes up. it's Lonnie.
(L=Lonnie.      C=Carlos.)
C- hey Lonnie, what's up?
L- not much. can you come over? Jane had a nightmare
C- is there any way that you and Audrey and take care of her? i'm really tired.
L- she cut herself because of you in her dream
C- did she really cut herself?
L- yes
C- i'm on my way
(end of call)

   i quickly write a note for Jay, change, and run to Jane's room. i quickly knock and the door opens. Jane's on her bed, Audrey is comforting her.
"don't worry, Jane. none of that happened." i hear Audrey tell Jane. there's a giant bandaid on her wrist and small tears are streaming down her face. i rush over to her and she looks up at me with an unsure look on her face. i sit down next to her and wrap my arm around her. i pull her into a hug.
"what happened in your dream?" i ask her and she tells me what happened. i feel awful. bigger tears fall down her face as she tells me her dream.
"Jane, don't worry. none of that ever happened. i still love you." i pull her into a bigger hug and look at her wrist when we pull away. some blood went through the bandaid.
"that bandaid isn't going to do the trick" i tell the girls. i know a lot about cuts and bandages from my moms beatings. Jane leads me to the bathroom and shows me where the bandaids and bandages are.
"we'll leave you two alone" Lonnie says, closing to the door. i get a bandage, a piece of cotton, and some cream from the cabinet. i go over to Jane, her face still wet with tears. she's sitting on a chair and i bend down and look at her eyes. we look each other in the eyes for a second and i kiss her. when we pull away, i whisper, "i love you" in her ear. she smiles weakly and carefully pick up her wrist. i slowly take off the bandaid and she winces in pain. once it's entirely off, i throw it away and put some of the cream on the cotton. i put it on her wrist and hold it with one hand and use my other one to take the bandage and wrap her wrist with it. when i'm done wrapping her wrist, i ask Jane if it hurts.
"a little." she tells me.
"it's gonna stay like that for a while. you'll have to change the cotton probably once or twice a day but you can use the same bandage for a week or so" tell her and she nods. i put the cream away and walk over to the door.
"Carlos," Jane says and i turn to her. "thank you" she says, standing up. i walk over to her and kiss her passionately. when air becomes necessary, we pull apart and hug each other tightly.
"it's ok, i'm not leaving you." i whisper and she nods. we walk out, hand in hand. it's almost 7:00, which is when breakfast is. i tell her that i'll meet her at breakfast and that if anyone asks about her wrist, she accidentally stabbed herself with a pencil. i go back to my room and Jay is sitting up in bed, getting up.
"good morning" i tell him and he looks at me.
"what happened to Jane?" he asks me and i tell him what happened while i get ready for the day. when i'm ready i go down to breakfast.

-Jane's POV-

   i put on a simple blue dress, fix my hair, and go down to breakfast. Audrey and Lonnie stayed behind to get ready.
when i get to the cafeteria, there's a lot of people there. i start walking towards the table that my friends are sitting at, but i get stopped my Alissa.
"what happened to your wrist?" she asks in her usual annoying voice.
"i accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil." i lie.
"no you didn't, you would've had a bandaid of you did." she says.
"fine. don't believe me" i say.
"i won't believe you because you're lying." she says, crossing her arms. to my relief, Carlos comes over to us and wraps his arm around me.
"is something wrong here?" he asks Alissa and she rolls her eyes.
"little Jane is lying. she said that she accidentally stabbed herself with a pencil but if she did, she would have had a bandaid on." she says.
"well she accidentally stabbed herself with a pencil and then someone bumped into her before she would take it out and it moved, causing the cut to get big." Carlos tells her and we walk off.
"wow, you're a good liar" i laugh and he smiles. we get to the table with our friends and sit down.
"Jane, what happened to your wrist?" Evie asks when she sees the bandage.
"i'll tell you later" i tell her and she nods.
"are you gonna tell your mom?" Carlos whispers in my ear and i think at little before nodding. i finish my breakfast early so i can go to my moms office. i peck Carlos' lips, say goodbye to everyone, and walk off. when i knock on the door to my moms office, she tells me to come in and i walk in, closing the door behind.
"good morning" she says, quickly looking up to see who it is. she looks back up, eyes wide.
"Jane, what happened to your wrist?" she asks me. i walk over to her and quietly tell her what happened, making sure what if anyone was listening, they couldn't hear.
"are you ok?" she asks me and i nod. her phone rings and i leave her office.

another long chapter! 990 words! wow!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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