feel better

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-Carlos' POV-

   i squeeze Jane's hand and we start walking away. then she falls on the concrete. i turn around and see that Alissa pushed Jane.
"you-" i start to say but then Jay comes running over and stops me from tackling Alissa.
"i don't know what's going on, but Jane's not looking too good." he says and look at Jane. she's unconscious but her head is bleeding. i run over to her and Jay makes Alissa and her friends go away. i rip one of my sleeves off and wrap it around Jane's head carefully. i pick her up and walk as fast as i could to the nurse. several people stare at me, but i ignore them. when i get to the nurse i tell her what happened and she tells me to lay Jane on one of the beds and starts taking care of her.
"thank you for bringing her. you can go now, she won't wake up for a while." the nurse says and i walk out with Jay. when we step out, i'm about to go find Alissa when Jay stops me.
"let me go!" i yell at him.
"sorry, buddy. no can do." he says and i stop fighting against his grasp. "fine" i sigh. i decide to go to FGM's office to tell her what happened. when i get there, Alissa is there, fake crying.
"h-he threatened me." she fake sobs "and then he p-punched J-Jane a-and she fell in the f-floor" i look at FGM's face and i can tell that she's not buying it.
"ah, Carlos. come in so we can hear your side of the story" she says when she notices me. i walk in and tell her what really happened.
"he's lying!" Alissa says, pointing at me.
"thank you, both of you. now, get going it's past curfew" FGM says and we walk out. i don't say anything to Alissa and go back to my room and go to sleep.

hi guys! i know this chapter is really short. sorry.

comment what the next book should be called!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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