here we go

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   -Evie's POV-

   i'm having a dream that i live in a castle when i hear someone throwing up. that's weird. i think to myself. when i realize that the sound isn't in my dream, i make myself wake up and get out of bed. i run to the bathroom to see Mal over the toilet, throwing up. her hair is in a messy bun with some loose hairs. i fix it and wet a washcloth. when she's done, i give her the washcloth and she wipes her mouth. i wet another one and wipe her face to relax her.
"are you ok?" i ask her, concerned.
"i think it's just morning sickness. just a part of pregnancy, i guess." she says, sighing. "i guess i better get used to it, it's going to be like this for nine months." i help her back to her bed and put a bucket on the floor next to her. i go back to the bathroom and re-wet one of the washcloths and but it on Mal's forehead.
"i'm gonna call Ben and tell him to come over, ok?" i ask her and she nods.
(E=Evie.   B=Ben)
B- Evie? what's up? is something wrong?
E- nothings wrong Mal just has some morning sickness. do you think you can come over?
B- i don't know, it is 4:30 in the morning.
E- is Mal important to you?
B- well, yeah...
E- great. then come over. we'll be expecting you.
~end of call~

-Jane's POV-

   i wake up when my alarm clock goes off. this morning was one of those mornings that i'm not tired at all. (we all have those mornings, right?) i get an outfit out of my closet before going into the bathroom. i shower, get dressed, do my hair, and put on some makeup. when i'm finished getting ready, i look in the mirror. my hair is half up with a curl in either side of my face. i'm wearing a pastel pink short sleeve dress with white lace at the bottom. i go back to my closet and get some pink sneaker-heels with white laces. i tie the laces into bows and look in the mirror again. it's missing something... i think for a second before remembering the necklace that Carlos gave me. i go to my vanity, take out my necklace, and put it on. there. i smile and Audrey comes out of the bathroom, all ready. her hair is flipped to one side (it's brown again) and she's wearing a simple pink t-shirt and a baby blue skirt. she has her favorite nude sandals on, and her toes are pained a muted pink. we go to breakfast, get our food, and go to sit with our usual group. i sit next to Carlos, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting down. i notice that Mal and Ben aren't here and Evie tells us that Mal has morning sickness and Ben's with her. Evie also said that Mal would be getting sick a lot, due to her pregnancy.
"wow, getting sick almost daily? i don't know if i ever want to be pregnant" i say, looking at Carlos.
"me neither, but i remember my mom once telling me that there's nothing better than having a baby and that the nine months of torture is always worth it." Audrey tells us. Evie's phone starts ringing and she picks it up.
"hi Ben," Evie says and we all look at her. "how's Mal?" there's a pause before she continues. "yep, that's a part of pregnancy, so get used to it. she's gonna be like that for nine months." there's another short pause. "sure, i'll be right over." Evie says and the call ends.
"Mal had hormones, another part of pregnancy and probably the most annoying part." Evie tells us. "anyway, Ben wants me to go over and help her." she says, pecking Doug's lips and walking off with some food for Mal.
"does anyone know what hormones are?" Jay asks. all the girls and i let out a small laugh. the boys exchange confused looks.
"it's honestly hard to explain hormones..." Lonnie says.
"well, they make girls emotional, especially during pregnancy." Audrey tells the boys. "so if i did this" Carlos starts, and pokes me "Jane would come after me?" he finishes, a small smile on his face.
"well, not exactly." i begin to tell the boys "like if a fly was bothering me, i would get mad and kill it. then i would start crying because i just killed a fly. and if i said 'hi' to someone and they wave instead of saying hi back, then i would be offended." i tell them.
"got it, so i'll say hi back from now on." Carlos laughs and i roll my eyes.
"no, because hormones are only that bad during pregnancy. sometimes girls will get really mad and just want to take their anger out on anyone." Audrey tells them and they nod. the warning bell rings and we all go to our lockers. Carlos first goes to his locker, gets his stuff for class, and comes to my locker.
"is all that stuff true about pregnancy?" Carlos asks me, sounding concerned.
"yeah, why?" i ask him. "would you be happy if you were pregnant?" he asks me. "i mean, i guess. having children is truly a magical thing." i respond.
"what about what your mom?" he asks.
"well, if i got pregnant at this age, she would probably be concerned but she probably would be happy." i tell him. he opens his mouth to ask me something else, but the bell rings and we go to class.

another chapter down! plz comment if you want a part 2! bye!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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