wait... WHAT?!

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-Carlos' POV-

Jane and Audrey just ran off to plan Evie and Doug's wedding. Jane just broke the love spell that Alissa put on me and was about to become permanent.
"dude, where where you did the past day?" Jay asks me and i shrug.
"i don't remember." i tell him honestly. "what did i do?" i ask them and they tell me about how much of a jerk i was and i apologize.
" it's not your fault, Carlos. it's Alissa's." Carly tells me and i nod. my phone dings and i see that i got a text from Ben.
can you and Jay meet me in my office?
i reply with a yes, tell Jay, say bye to everyone, and walk off with Jay.
"should i be scared?" i ask Jay and he shrugs. we knock on the door of Ben's office and he tells us to come in.
"hi guys. i've been thinking about bringing more VKs over from the isle and i have a list of a few." he tells us, handing us a paper. there's a list of 5 names.
Uma (Ursula)
Harry (Captain Hook)
Gil (Gaston)
Max (Mad Hatter)

"who's Corinne the daughter of?" i ask.
"i don't know, when i was looking at a list, it didn't say who her parents are" Ben tells us. "should i bring all 5 over, or just 4?"
"i guess all 5." Jay says and Ben nods.
"thanks, you guys can go." he says and we leave.
"i wonder who that Corinne girl is." i wonder and Jay nods in agreement.

~fast forward a few days~
it's a week into school and the day that the 5 VKs come. everyone's waiting for them.

-Jane's POV-

i'm waiting in the front of the school, holding Carlos' hand and the whole school is waiting for the 5 new VKs to arrive. the black limo pulls up and the driver steps out and opens the door. Uma, Harry, and Gil step out before a boy and a girl follow. they must be Max and Corinne. i think to myself. i notice that Carlos and Corinne look somewhat alike. Ben and Mal, who's holding Ruby, step forward and greet the VKs.
"you guys must be Max and Corinne, right?" Ben asks and they nod. "nice to meet you." he says, shaking their hands. "i must ask, who are your parents?" he asks Corinne. everyone is shocked with her answer.
"Cruela DeVil" i look at Carlos who is wide eyed and pale. i bring him over to where the VKs are.
"nice to meet you, Corinne. i'm Jane, fairy godmothers daughter and this is Carlos..." i begin.
"son of Cruela" Corinne finishes. "and my twin." (i really want to end this chapter here but it's too short.) everyone gasps.
"h-how do you know?" Carlos asks "mom never mentioned me having a sibling"
"that's because she wanted to torture us separately. she separated us when we were 5 and somehow erased your memory." she says.
"she never erased my memory. i remember growing up with someone i just don't know who." he replies and they stare at each other.
"ok so this is weird. but we're gonna give you all tours." Mal says.
"Carlos, you and Jane can give Corinne a tour around the school and catch up." Ben tells us.
"it's ok, Carlos, you and Corinne can catch up" i say. they nod and walk off.

-Carlos' POV-

   i take Corinne into the school and we start talking.
"so how do you remember me?" i ask her.
"i always thought of you." she tells me. "mom wanted me to forget about you so i pretended i did."

~later that day~

-Jane's POV-

   right now i'm in my room with Audrey, Corinne, and Lonnie. we decided that Corinne and i are gonna get a room together after Evie and Doug's wedding. we're catching Corinne up on everything that Carlos didn't.
"these were his exact words: 'Jane, will you be my date for Cotillion? and if you don't absolutely hate me by the end of it, would you consider maybe being more than friends?' isn't that so cute!" i ask and they all nod.

another chapter DONE! the next one will be Devie's wedding!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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