ANOTHER pregnancy?!

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~one week later~

-Jane's POV-

   i wake up, get dressed, and check my phone. i got a text from Audrey. hey Jane, can u come over? Carly is always with Max and Lonnie moved out so i'm lonely. i text her back. k i'll be right there. i pack a small bag and go to Audrey's room. i walk in and talk to Audrey for a while. she opens the window and we realize that the weather is beautiful, so we decide to walk around outside. on our way outside, we run into Carly and Max making out. Carly looks embarrassed, but Max is anything but embarrassed.
"can we help you?" he asks rudely.
"um, could you two get a room?" Audrey asks politely and Max scoffs. "excuse me?" she asks him.
"Carly and i are here and we're not leaving because two brats want us to" he spits. Audrey turns red with anger and i stop her from attacking Max.
"come on, Audrey. let's go" i say, leading her away. he keep walking and when we turn around the corner, Carlos and Chad are standing there.
"oh, hey guys" i say, trying to sound as friendly as possible. i laugh awkwardly.
"i'm not letting Max talk to you like that" Chad says and we look at him in confusion. for the past few weeks, i've noticed that Chad has a crush on Audrey, but i haven't said anything. he also laughs awkwardly.
"can i talk to you?" he asks Audrey "privately" she nods and they walk away. Carlos pecks my cheek and we laugh.
"looks like they're getting back together" Carlos says, looking at Audrey and Chad. we can't hear them, but it doesn't look like whatever they're doing is going so well. Audrey turns around, tears in her eyes, and runs in the other direction. Carlos and i walk to Chad and ask him what happened.
"i asked her if we could get back together" he tells us. "and she said that she's not ready yet." i nod and follow Audrey back to her room.
"hey, 'rey. (A/N: that's Jane's nickname for Audrey) what's wrong?" i ask her, sitting next to her on her bed and putting an arm around her.
"i- don't- want- a- boy- friend- yet-" she tells me between sobs.
"and that's ok." i assure her and she gives me a small nod. we sit there in silence for a few minutes and i think of ways to calm her down. i remember what she likes to do when she's upset. i bring her over to her vanity and sit her down in the chair. i look around for makeup remover wipes, find them, take one out, and take off Audrey's eye makeup. i turn the chair so it's facing the mirror and stand behind it. i start doing something that makes her laugh every time: play with her hair. i hold it up it weird ways, style it strangely, put random clips in it, and she starts laughing. she tells me that she has to go to the bathroom and i wait on her bed. Carly and Max come in and lock lips, clearly not noticing me.
"ahem," i clear my throat and they look at me. "might i remind you, this isn't only Carly's room. it's also Audrey's, who's in the bathroom. so if you two could please go somewhere else, that would be great. thanks." i say politely. Max looks mad and opens his mouth to insult me, but Carly takes his hand and leads him out of the room, slamming the door behind them. i roll my eyes and Audrey comes out of the bathroom.
"who were you talking to?" she asks me.
"Carly and Max. i'm starting to think that he's becoming a bad influence for her." i sigh.
"me too. whenever i try to talk to her about it, she screams at me and usually storms out of the room." Audrey tells me.
"we can't let her be like this, she's our friend" i say. "anyway, Carlos and i have been talking about moving in together. so maybe you can move in with Corinne, i'm sure she'd be fine with it."
"really? that would be great. i'm tired of walking into my room to Carly and Max making out." she tells me.
"i'll talk to Corinne. maybe you can move in before i move out." i tell her and she nods. my phone rings and i answer it. it's Carlos. he tells me that Lonnie just fainted and that he and Jay have no clue what to do and that i have to go to Jay and Lonnie's house. "sorry, 'rey. Lonnie just fainted and Jay and Carlos gave no clue what to do so gotta go. bye" i wave goodbye and she waves back. i run to Jay and Lonnie's house and go to the bedroom, where Carlos told me to go. i walk in and see Carlos waiting for me.
"where is she?" i ask him, not being able to see Lonnie.
"in the bathroom." he tells me, pointing to the bathroom. i go in and see an anxious Jay sitting on a chair and Lonnie on the ground, unconscious. i ask Jay what happened and he tells me.
"Lonnie and i were just chilling and she got up to go to the bathroom. out of nowhere, she said my name barely above a whisper and i heard a thud. i came in and she was on the floor." he tells me and i nod.
"we should bring her to the doctor." i tell him and he nods. he picks Lonnie up and walks out of the bathroom. i quickly glance around the bathroom and spot something on the counter. i pick it up and notice it's a pregnancy test. i squint and my eyes open wide when i see the second line.
"come on, Jane." Carlos says and we walk out, i'm hiding the test. when we catch up with Jay, he's already at the doctor in the waiting room. i walk over to him and give him the test.
"if there's one line, that means negative, but if there's two, she's-" i tells him but he cuts me off.
"...pregnant" he says in disbelief. "Lonnie's pregnant!" he exclaims, standing up. Carlos comes over and i tell him what happened.
"congrats, dude. you're gonna be a dad!" Carlos tells Jay.
"i'm gonna be a dad" he repeats "i gotta go! i don't know how to be a dad!" he says.
"relax, you have nine months to figure it out. you have to stay here for Lonnie when she wakes up." Carlos says, stopping Jay from leaving.
"you're right." he says, sitting back down. a doctor comes in and tells him that Lonnie's still unconscious, but he can go in.
"we're gonna go" Carlos tells him. he nods and follows the doctor to where Lonnie is.

ooo Lonnie's pregnant! will she be ok? will she wake up? will the baby be ok? why do i want someone to die? i'm not sure!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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