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-Jane's POV-

when we finish breakfast, we all go to moms office and tell her what happened.
"i won't be able to gather the whole school until Monday because most people are away for the summer" (A/N: it's Thursday and school starts on Monday. everyone that's on vacation is coming back over the weekend.) she tells us when we ask her to gather the whole school.
"ok, but you can on Monday, right?" i ask her and she nods. "what time?"
"in the morning, no later than noon." she replies and we leave.
"let's hope it's not too strong by then" Chad says.
"let's head over to Mal's and ask her if she knows" i suggest and everyone nods. "but we shouldn't all go, it might overwhelm Mal or Ruby."
"ok so Audrey, Jane and i will go" Lonnie says and we walk off. we get to where Mal and Ruby are and say hi. when Ruby sees Audrey, she runs over to her.
"Awi Awey!" she squeals, attacking Audrey in a hug we all laugh and Lonnie and i go over to Mal while Audrey keeps Ruby entertained.
"hey Mal. so we asked my mom to gather the whole school so i can break Carlos' spell and no one will believe Alissa's rumors anymore and she said that she'll be able to on Monday, when school starts. do you know how strong the spell will be by then?" i ask the purple haired girl.
"Alissa gave Carlos the spell last night, right?" she asks and i nod. "do you know how she gave it to him?"
"i think Jay said something about Carlos eating a cookie..." Lonnie tells us and Mal nods. we start to walk out until Audrey asks is she can stay with Ruby and we nod.

~time skip~
it's Sunday and everyone's at breakfast, everyone except Carlos and Alissa. no ones seen them for the past day.

-Jane's POV-

i sitting with my friends at breakfast, like i usually do. Mal hasn't found out if the spell will be too strong by Monday but she told us that she'll find out soon.
"Jane! there you are!" Mal pants, running over to us. "i have bad news."
"what?!" we all shout, causing everyone in the cafeteria to stare at us.
"the spell becomes permanent at noon today!" she tells us and we all gasp. "Jane, you have to break the spell today!" her phone starts ringing. "it's Ben, gotta go" she says and leaves.
before any of us finish our food, we go looking for Carlos and Alissa. Lonnie goes with Jay, i go with Audrey, and Chad goes by himself. we check everywhere. the whole school, the forest, the enchanted lake. but they're nowhere to be found. Audrey texts everyone and we decide to meet at the cafeteria.
"i texted and called him a thousand times!" Jay tells us. i look at my phone and see that it's 11:30. i hold back my tears but it's hard.
"don't worry, Jane. there's no way we're letting that spell become permanent." Audrey assures me and i nod meekly. at 11:55, Carlos and Alissa walk into the cafeteria, hand in hand.
"g-guys..." i whisper but none of them hear me. "guys!" i say, louder and they all look at me. "l-look" i say, pointing to Carlos and Alissa.
"Jane, it's now or never!" Lonnie says and i look at them nervously but they're all giving me reassuring looks. i nod and approach Carlos and Alissa.
"Carlos?" i ask and they look at me.
"what do you want?" Alissa spits.
"i want to break the spell you put in Carlos." i say and she's shocked.
"why would you think he's under a spell?" she asks me. it's 11:59. i ignore Alissa and turn to Carlos.
"Carlos, i love you and i'm not letting Alissa's spell become permanent." i tell him.
"what are you talking about?" he asks me. the clock chimes for noon. before it finishes chiming, i force my lips on Carlos'. at first, he doesn't kiss me back, but then he does.
"Jane..." he says when we pull apart but i stop him with a hug.
"it's ok" i whisper into his ear and he squeezes me.
"baby?" Alissa asks Carlos when we pull apart.
"excuse me?" he asks her.
"UGH! you idiot! the spell was about to become permanent!" she screams and everyone stares at her. "i-i-" she starts to say and storms out of the cafeteria. i look at Carlos. he smiles at me with a warm smile that i love. we kiss again. i go to Carly and thank her.
"no problem. this time she went too far. i always see how happy you and Carlos are together and i couldn't let her take that away from either of you" she says and we hug. "just one problem; i'm friendless." she sighs.
"what are you talking about?" i ask her.
"Alissa was my only friend and she found out that i told you about the spell." she tells me.
"no, i mean we're your friends!" tell her. "if that's ok with you"
"of course it is!" she squeals and squeezes me. i go back to Carlos and we go to our friends.
"good news, guys." Jay says. "i got a video of Alissa's burst. we can share it with the whole school!" he tells us.
"did i miss anything important while i was under the spell? like Evie and Doug's wedding?" Carlos asks.
"i just remembered, i have to start decorating!" i say and Audrey gasps.
"i have to design the dresses!" she says and we both run off.

yay! the spell is broken and Jarlos is back together!

i'm so sorry i didn't update sooner! i've been very busy with school starting.

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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