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~time skip~
it's the day of Mal and Ben's wedding and everyone is excited. Evie is the maid of honor and Doug is the best man. Jane, Lonnie, and Audrey are the bridesmaids and Carlos, Jay, and Chad are the groomsmen.

-Jane's POV-

when my alarm goes off, i dash out of bed. i throw on some clothes, brush my hair, grab my dress and heels for the wedding, and go to Mal and Evie's room. i knock on the door and go in. Mal is on her bed, clearly trying to stay calm. Evie is rubbing her back, helping her stay calm. Ruby spent the weekend with Adam (the beast) and Belle. she's three months old and she is the cutest. after i go into the room, Lonnie and Audrey come in.
"hi guys, thanks for coming. Jane, Lonnie, can you go check the setup and make sure everything's in place?" Evie asks us and we nod. we walk out and go to where the wedding setup is. we chat a little on the way.
"isn't Ruby the cutest thing ever?" Lonnie asks.
"yes! she calls me Auntie ane" i say, laughing. when we got to the setup, we make sure everything's in place.
"looks good" Lonnie tells me and i nod. she checks her watch and tells me that it's 9:30.
"the wedding starts at 2:30, in six hours" she tells me and we head back to Mal and Evie's room. when we get there, Audrey is in her dress, and Mal's in her light purple dress, Evie is adjusting it and Audrey is doing her own hair.
"does everything look good?" Evie asks us when she spots us and we nod. "great, your dresses are over there. go change into them. Audrey will help you with your hair and makeup." she tells us. we both take our dresses and i change in the the dressing room while Lonnie changes in the bathroom. i put my dress on and look in the mirror. it's an ombré baby pink dress that fades into white at the bottom. i walk out when i'm done changing and Audrey is doing Lonnie's hair, both of them are wearing the same dress as me. i sit down on one of the beds and start up a conversation.
"so, Mal, are you excited to be queen?" i ask her.
"i guess- i don't know..." she sighs "i don't even know if i want to do this. what if he doesn't love me? what if i don't love him? what if Ruby turns evil? what if-"
"what if none of that happens? come on, M! he loves you and you love him!" Evie assures her and she gulps. when Audrey is done with Lonnie's hair and makeup, she sits me down in the chair and starts doing my hair and makeup. when she finishes my hair and makeup, Evie finishes Mal's hair and makeup. she puts her dress on and Audrey does her hair and makeup. when everyone's all ready, i check the clock. 1:00.

the wedding will be next!

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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