pre Christmas ball

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~time skip~
it's almost Christmas, there's gonna be a ball and Jane's on the decorating committee.

-Jane's POV-

i was hanging some mistletoe on a doorframe when i hear someone.
"hey Jane!" Audrey says.
"Audrey! i thought you weren't coming back until after New Years." i said, giving her a hug.
"i was but not anymore. i wanted to be here for the ball. anyways, what did i miss while i was gone?" she asks.
"well, i had a date to Cotillion and now have a boyfriend." i begin to tell her.
"really?! who?!" Audrey asks, getting excited. before i can tell her about Carlos, someone comes up behind me and hugs me. i turn my head and see Carlos, our faces inches apart.
"OMG!" Audrey exclaims "boy, have i been gone long"
"oh, hi Audrey" Carlos says, sounding disappointed. i nudge him. "h-hey" he stutters. Audrey looks confused.
"anyways, Jane i'm here to see how things are going and they're going great. bye" Carlos says before walking off. Audrey rolls her eyes.
"what was that for?" she spits.
"not sure."
"anyway, need some help with that?" Audrey asks. i shake my head no as i stick the mistletoe on the door frame.
"i'm almost done in here, just have to hang a few more things. you can help with that." i tell her, walking over to the decorations.
"ok." she says, following me. i give her a box of Christmas tree decorations. "here. hang these on the tree" i tell her. she nods and walks away.

when i finish putting the star on top the the tree, i get down from the ladder and look around. Audrey left a few minutes ago, she had to go set up her room and get a dress for the ball. i look at the huge dance floor and then look up and see the fake ice sickles. i smile. i i walk out of the ballroom and go to Evie and Mal's room to try on my dress that Evie made for me. i knock on the door and open it when Mal's voice calls, "come in!" from inside.
"ah, Jane. i finished your dress just this morning" Evie tells me, walking over to the dress rack.
"hey, Mal. what's up?" i ask the purple-haired girl. "not much" she responds.
"here you are." Evie says, turning to me. she shows me my dress and i grin. it's a long, poofy baby blue gown with white streaks on the bottom. i take the dress and go to the dressing room (i know it's just a dorm but just imagine). when i get into the gown and step out of the dressing room, Mal and Evie both smile. "you look great, Jane!" Evie says, walking up to me and poofing up my dress. just then, Dude walks in and Evie gasps. "quick, go into the dressing room but don't take off the dress and done come out until i say." Evie tells me, pushing me back into the dressing room. "why?" i ask, very confused.
"you don't want Carlos to see your outfit do you? it has to be a surprise." she tells me, closing the door. i hear Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay chatting.
"have you guys seen Jane? i texted her and called her but she didn't answer." i hear Carlos ask them. i let out a small gasp and look at my phone. 4 missed calls and 10 new messages from Carlos.
"well, she's in the dressing room. but she's not coming out. her outfit has to be a surprise for you." Evie tells him.
"oh, ok. well when she comes out, tell her to call me." Carlos says and i hear the door close.
"ok, you can come out now." Evie calls and i walk out of the dressing room. "here, put this on." she hands me a very bright blue flower clip. i put it in my my hair and Evie straightens it. "you look amazing Jane" Evie tells me, the biggest smile in her face. "now, carefully take the dress up and give it to me." she says to me. i nod and go back to the dressing room. i take the dress off and give it to Evie. i wave to Mal and Evie before calling Carlos and walking to my room.
(C=Carlos. J=Jane.)
C- hey Jane. i've been trying to reach you.
J- sorry my ringer was off because i was getting too many notifications from many people.
C- it's fine i just wanted to check on you
J- ok well i gotta go, it's getting late and i am tired
C- ok. goodnight
J- goodnight.
-end of call-

-the next day-

-Carlos' POV-

i wake up, look at my clock, and shoot out of bed. 11:25. i told Evie i would be in her room at 11:30 to help her with her 'customers'. i throw on an outfit and run to Evie and Mal's room. when i get there, i check my watch. 11:30. perfect. i knock on the door and walk in. Evie has a yellow measuring tape around her neck and is helping someone with their dress. Mal, however, is sitting on her bed holding a paper and her lips moving slightly. i walk over to her and ask what she's doing. "i'm practicing my speech." she responds without looking up from her paper.
"Carlos! there you are! come, you need to deliver these dresses." Evie calls to me. i turn around and see she's rolling a clothing rack with several dresses and suits on it. "there's a tag on each one saying who it belongs to." she tells me before making me take the rack and walk out of the room. i go deliver the outfits.

-a few hours later-

-Jane's POV-

i check the clock on my desk. 4:00. i put away my school stuff and go to Mal and Evie's room. before i could knock, Evie opens the door. "come in" i walk in and Mal looks very stressed. i look at Evie and open my mouth to ask her what's wrong when she shakes her head telling me to not ask. she gives me my dress and i go to the dressing room to put it on. when i walk out, Evie sits me down in a chair in front of her vanity and does my hair and makeup. once she puts my hair clip on, she spins the chair so i can see myself in the mirror. i grin from ear to ear. i have white eyeshadow and red lipstick on (i know i left out other makeup but just roll with it).

wow, 1,123 words. i didn't expect that much. bye y'all!

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