oh no

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hey guys. just want to explain what's happening. so Mal and Ben wanted to keep Ruby a secret until she was born but Alissa found out and told everyone. she still thinks that Jane is pregnant and is telling everyone that she is.

-Jane's POV-

i'm on my way to my moms office to tell her about Alissa. i knock on the door and my mom tells me to come in.
"hi mom" i say.
"hello Jane. is something wrong?" she asks.
"not really. the other day Mal and Ben hosted a small party for just our close friends to tell us the name of their daughter," i tell her "and Carlos and i decided to prank everyone by telling them that i'm pregnant. they all fell for it and Alissa was eavesdropping and i convinced that i am, i'm not though. we even told everyone that it was just a prank but Alissa is telling everyone that i'm pregnant. so i'm just here to tell you that if she tells you that i'm pregnant, she's lying." i finish and she nods. i leave her office and decide to go on a walk. i text Carlos so he knows and go to the front doors. when i step outside, the weather is perfect and there air is fresh. there's a nice breeze and some people are also outside. i walk around a little and decide to go back to school. when i get to the front entrance, i see Carlos run outside followed by Jay and both of them are laughing. i giggle and Carlos runs into Audrey. i held my breath, waiting to see what she would do but to my surprise, she started laughing. when Carlos stands up, he holds his hand out to Audrey. she takes his hand and he helps her up. once she's standing, she shrieks in pain and falls onto Carlos. he helps her sit down on a nearby bench. i rush over to them.
"Audrey! are you ok?" i ask her. her eyes start watering and i call my mom tell her what happened. she tells me that she's coming. i go back to Audrey and calm her down. when my mom comes, she takes Audrey to the nurse and walks off.
"i feel horrible" Carlos says.
"it's not your fault" i tell him "but what we're you doing?"
"Jay and i were just playing around" he sighs. i peck his cheek and take his hand.
"come, let's go on a walk" i tell him. before we can go far, we get stopped by Alissa and her gang of friends.
"shouldn't you be in bed resting, Jane?" she asks in a mocking voice. i roll my eyes.
"no, she shouldn't be because she isn't pregnant. how many times do we have to tell you to stay out of people's business" Carlos spits.
"watch you mouth, doggy. you don't want to go back to the Isle, do you?" Alissa laughs annoyingly.
"of corse he doesn't. he's just being a good boyfriend." i say. before the VKs came to Auradon, Alissa and her group of friends would bully me and they still do sometimes.
"you better watch your mouth, too. Fairy" she says. you would think that the nickname 'Fairy' would be a good thing but Alissa says it in a way that makes it sound bad. Carlos squeezes my hand and we start walking away. then, i get pushed from behind, fall on the concrete and everything went blank.

ooh what's gonna happen to her? is she gonna be ok? what should part 2 be called?

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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