the news

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-Jane's POV-

   i'm at my locker, putting my books away for lunch. out of nowhere, someone puts their hands on my eyes.
"guess who" they say.
"hmm, can i get back to you on that?" i joke, taking their hands off my eyes and turning around. Carlos is there, laughing, the biggest smile on his face.
"why are you so happy, mister?" i laugh as we start walking to the cafeteria.
"oh, you know, it's nothing..." he smiles
"...Evie's pregnant!" he exclaims and i gasp.
"really? that's awesome! Ruby will have a friend" i tell him. then i remember i told Mal i was gonna go to the castle to take care of Ruby. "i have to go, i told Mal i'd take care of Ruby." i tell Carlos. before i can walk off, we grabs my hand and i turn around.
"can i come?" he asks.
"sure. i mean, you're technically her uncle." i tell him and we to go Mal and Ben's castle. we've been there several times before, so we know where Ruby's room is. when we get there, Ruby is on the floor, playing. Mal looks stressed.
"hi Mal, sorry i'm late. is it ok if Carlos is here?" i ask her and she nods.
"so you know where the kitchen is. her food is on the counter if she gets hungry. the diapers are over there and her toys are in that bin" the queen tells us quickly.
"ok" i say and she leaves. i turn to Ruby. she has small strands of brownish purple hair on her head. she looks at me with her big, green eyes and starts crying when she realizes that Mal left. i go over her, sit down on the floor, put her on my lap, and bounce her. she stops crying and starts laughing. it's like music. i look at Carlos and smile.
"hi Ruby. who's that?" i ask her, pointing at Carlos.
"uwul Cawos" she says and he starts laughing.
"what's my name?" i ask her, pointing at myself.
"auwie 'ane" she says and laugh. when i realize that she called me 'auntie' i freeze.
"Jane? is something wrong?" Carlos asks me.
"she- she- she- called me 'Auntie'" i tell him and he nods. "but- but i don't want to get married until we're seniors" i say and he stops smiling.
"i know. she calls you 'Auntie' because she thinks we're married." he explains.
"oh" i say and laugh.

   at 2:30, Mal came back. she thanked us for watching Ruby.
"it was a pleasure. she calls me 'Auntie'. she's the cutest" i tell her and she smiles.
"bye" i wave to Ruby and leave with Carlos. when we leave, Evie calls me.
(E=Evie.     J=Jane.)
J- hey Evie. congrats
E- thanks. wanna come over and hang out?
J- sure. right now?
E- unless you're busy
J- no, i have nothing to do
E- great
J- i'll be right over
(end of call)

"i'm gonna go to Evie's to hang out" i tell Carlos and he nods. i kiss him and we go separate ways. when i get to Evie's, Doug is walking out.
"evie's in her room, you can go right in" he tells me.
"thanks and congratulations." i tell him and he nods. i go into Evie's small castle and head to her room. i walk in and she's at her desk, sketching outfits.
"Jane! hi!" she squeals when she sees me. she runs over to me and hugs me and i hug her back. when she sits back down, i sit on her bed.
"so what happened to your wrist?" Evie asks, turning to me. i tell her what happened. we talk for a few minutes, then we sight in silence when she goes back to sketching.
"hey, Evie" i say out of nowhere and she turns to me. "do you ever wonder if you really love Doug?" i ask her.
"well, sometimes. i even wonder if i want to get married to him." she sighs "but then i tell myself that i've never been happier when i'm with him." she tells me. "why?" she adds.
"i don't know. i know that my nightmare didn't really happen but a part of me is saying that it did. and..."
"and you feel like Carlos is dating Alissa." she finishes and i nod. "well, you can talk to him about it." she suggests.
"you know what, i will talk to him. thanks, Evie." i'm about to leave but Evie stops me.
"Jane, you're awesome at decorating. would you help decorate my wedding?" she asks me.
"of course!" i exclaim "gotta go, bye!" i say and leave.

a shorter chapter 😅. will Jane and Carlos stay together?

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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