i love you

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-Jane's POV-

i wake up and i don't know where i am. then, nurse Anna comes in.
"hello Jane. how are you feeling?" she asks me.
"my head hurts, a lot" i say, rubbing my head. i feel something that's wrapped around my head. "what happened?"
"you fell on concrete yesterday, causing a slight concussion." she tells me.
"when can i leave?" i ask, trying not to sound rude.
"well, we don't want to risk you getting even more hurt so until your head heals. so probably about a week." i nod. "but your friends can visit you whenever they want." she finishes and gives me my phone. i thank her and she leaves the room. i text Carlos to let him know that i'm ok and that he can come visit. a few seconds after i send the message, i hear a knock on the door.
"come in" i say and the door opens, revealing Audrey.
"hey Jane. how you felling?" she asks me.
"like i've been hit by a bus" i say and she giggles. "are you ok?"
"yeah, just a twisted ankle. i won't be able to do cheer for a while" she sighs
"Carlos feels really bad" i tell her.
"it's not his fault, it was really funny though." we both burst out laughing.

-Carlos' POV-

i wake up when my phone buzzes. i look at it and see that i got a message from Jane.
hey just woke up. u can come visit and i'll tell u what's happening
i text her back.
i get ready as fast a so can and go to the nurse's office.
"hi i'm looking for Jane." i tell the nurse and she leads me to Jane's room. i knock on the door and hear a female voice tell me to come in. i burst through the door and see Audrey sitting next to Jane. Jane has a head cast on and is in bed. i rush over to her and kiss her lips. i turn to Audrey and she looks fine so i'm confused.
"hi Audrey, how are you?" i ask her, a tone of panic in my voice.
"relax, you didn't kill me, just a twisted ankle, that's all." she laughs and i sigh in relief.
"i'm so sorry. Jay and i were just being the kids that we are" i say, sighing. "how are you doing?" i ask Jane.
"well, i feel like i've been hit by a bus. i have a small concussion and i have to stay here for a week or so." she sighs.
"just wait until i get my hands on Alissa." i say, clenching my fists. Jane puts her hand on mine and i look at her beautiful baby blue eyes and she looks into mine.
"i'll leave you two alone" Audrey says, leaving the room and closing the door. Carlos kisses me again and i kiss him back.
"i love you" he whispers into my ear when we pull apart. i freeze for a second.
"i love you too" i whisper back.

BOOM! they love each other! CONGRATS!

i might be a little inactive because of school. i'll try to update as often as i can.

keep calm and read on! ✌🏻

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