Chapter 1: New Season Begins, Audition.

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The day was October and that was the first day of the 2012-13 dancing season and the Abby Lee Dance Company were fresh off of winning back to back national t titles and in the parking lot, the girls and the moms were pulling in and greeted each other with hugs, then they went inside as the moms all went into Studio A while the girls went to change into their dancewear and noticeably absent were Kelly, Brooke and Paige. Julie was in Studio A with them and she gave them hugs when they came in, then the girls started dancing as the moms watched as they waited for Abby and Cameron.

"Do you know where Brooke and Paige are?" Christi asked the moms.

"No clue, i tried calling Kelly and i didn't get an answer from her." Melissa answered.

"I called and same thing, no answer." Jill added.

"Me too." Holly said.

The door from the Dancer's Den opened and coming in was Abby and right behind her was Cameron as the girls stopped dancing and they approached the pyramid that was on the mirror.

"All right." Cameron simply stated as he and Abby removed two photos from the pyramid and put them into the trash. "We aren't doing a pyramid right now, so what that means is that it's back to the drawing board."

"We aren't happy with the people that aren't here and we're also not happy with the people that are here. There were six group numbers, some of you know two of the six amd some knows one of them and that isn't gonna be a winning number." Abby commented.

"Here's the thing, while mom and i were in Los Angeles filming her other show, we called for some guest choreographers that Cameron grew up with to come into the studio to have routines that were already ready, but then we hear from the staff that nobody but Chloe and Maddie showed up and that makes us look bad." Cameron told the girls.

"In the previous season, two solos were ready to go before we even started the new competition season and we didn't find out that people were not here until the staff called my son and he let me know and like Cameron just said, that makes us look bad." Abby said.

"When Cameron, myself and my brother Sebastian won overall national titles, we still came to class on our own free will because we always wanted to get better and Abby said it best, you are only as good as your last performance." Julie spoke.

"During breaks, we set new goals and overcome obstacles that get thrown in our way and we improve when we did that." Cameron stated, then he signaled to Abby and his mother removed the remaining covered photos as the moms and girls watched and she threw them.

"No pyramid." Abby bluntly said.

"Abby, Cameron, how can you two throw away all that our daughters worked for the previous year?" Holly questioned.

"Like this." Cameron was given the photos by Abby, then he walked over to the trash can and put them in the trash. "Girls, no pyramid."

"Moving on, Julie, why don't you tell them where we'll be headed?" Abby asked Julie, who nodded.

"Sure thing, this weekend, we will be heading to Denver, Colorado to attend In10sity dance and also, we want you all to know that we're gonna be holding an audition and this is gonna hurt us to do so, but we have no choice, we will be replacing Brooke and Paige."

"You will be nice, wonderful and kind to the dancer that wins the audition and his/her parent as well." Cameron added. "Get the memo?"

The girls and moms nodded as Abby, Cameron and Julie exited through the door that led to the Dancer's Den and minutes later, Julie was at the front desk with Gianna as Abby and Cameron were back in Studio A.

Aiming for Three In A Row (Sequel to The Adopted Son of Abby Lee)Where stories live. Discover now