Chapter 2: Hello Ally

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At the studio, Christi was seen arriving and behind her was Jill as Abby and Cameron were at the front desk as Julie was helping Gianna with something.

"Hey." Christi and Jill greeted.

"Hello." Cameron replied.

"Just to let you know, Chloe and Kendall will have the first two solos of the season." Abby informed.

"That's fantastic." Christi commented.

"We're gonna start them today." Cameron stated.

"They can do it, they've got a lot of potential." Jill said.

"Jill, hopefully we have a good season." Abby told Jill. "And hopefully you have learned to step back and watch like Christi has and me and my son both think that after seeing some of those kids that were auditioning, Kendall should be inspired."

"She will be."


Jill and Christi walk into the Dacner's Den where the moms and girls were.

"Chloe and Kendall have the first two solos of the season." Christi stated.

"All right!" Melissa cheered.

"That's great!" Holly commented, then Abby and Cameron walked in.

"Hey, hey, hey." Cameron greeted. "All right, we've worked on some music and after we gave some thought on who was here and did what they needed to do and we're gonna start a solo with Kendall first, then we'll work with Chloe. Kendall, your solo is called Higher Love and Kendall, get yourself ready because we'll start with that and Chloe, your solo is called Born Leader."

"Seriously, Kendall?" Cameron rolled his eyes and so did Abby. "You're done, the auditioning dancers that were in here were 100,000 times better than you! Head somewhere else and work on it."

Up in the observation room, the moms had watched the rehearsal of Kendall's solo and they heard sobs coming from Kendall, who was coming up the stairs sobbing.

"What's wrong, Kendall?" Melissa asked.

"Abby and Spencer kept yelling at me." Kendall cried as she sat on Jill's lap and Abby and Cameron were coming up the stairs.

"What was going on?" Jill asked.

"They were telling me to do the turn, but i couldn't hear them and they yelled at me." Kendall answered while Abby and Cameron came in.

"Jill, we do not know what is going on here, but we have an empty room and a lot of kids in Studio B practicing." Abby said, she then looked at Kendall. "We gave you a combination and you couldn't remember it seconds later, Cameron could have remembered that in his sleep in under five seconds."

"Time is up." Cameron added as he and Abby made their way back downstairs.

"That's what i mean, they keep being mean to me." Kendall griped.

"Kendall is one of the two dancers that got a solo and shouldn't be upstairs crying like Glen Davis when Kevin Garnett yelled at him on the bench during a Boston Celtics game four years ago!!" Cameron shouted.

"They're right, you should not be crying." Jill told Kendall.

Abby and her son both walked back to Studio A.

"Kendall is nine and she's sitting on her mom's lap crying like a baby. She needs to grow up." Cameron told Abby.

"You better believe it." Abby agreed, high fiving her son, then Jill walked in. "Jill, what is going on with Kendall?"

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