Chapter 20: Return of the Millers

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The day was July 8th and the moms and girls including Kelly were all wondering when Abby and Cameron would be coming back,, Brooke and Paige kept their distance from her and Gianna picked the two girls up and brought them to the studio as Melissa and Christi had just arrived from visiting Abby and Cameron at Abby's house as they were caring for Maryen, who was ailing from colon cancer and she was in Stage IV.

"Hello." Melissa and Christi stated.

"Hello, there." Jill said.

"Do you have a clue on if Abby and Cameron are gonna be here?" Kristie wondered.

"I don't think they'll be with us this week, Cameron said that he and his mother are staying with Mrs. Miller today even though this is the day we normally do pyramid." Christi responded.

"They'll be with us at one point, but family come first and they assured us that they'll be with us for Nationals." Melissa said.

"That's Understandable." Leslie commented.

That thursday, the girls were rehearsing their group dance and outside, Abby and Cameron were seen getting out of their vehicles,, walked to the entrance of the studio and entered, went past the front desk and then walked into Studio A.

"Surprise!" Cameron greeted as he and his mother walked into Studio A as the girls smiled, happy to have them back.

"How are you doing ladies?" Abby added as she and her son smiled at Maddie and Clhloe.

"Welcome Back, Miss Abby and you to Cam." Maddie told them.

"What she said." Chloe stated.

"Thanks, you two." Cameron told them as Gianna and Julie both hugged them while some of the moms slightly froze from seeing Abby and Cameron return.

"They are back." Holly commented.

"They may have finally found the food trail." Kelly laughed as Melissa, Christi, Jill, Holly and Kristie rolled their eyes.

"I can tell they're actually smiling." Jill observed. "But i have a gut feeling that something's going down."

When the group rehearsal was finished, Abby and her son signaled for the moms to come down into Studio A, the moms all got up and headed downstairs into Studio A to see what Abby and Cameron wanted as Gianna and Julie watched.

"Hey, Abby. Hey, Cam. Welcome back." Christi said.

"Thanks." Abby responded.

"Where have you two been?" Jill asked.

"We've been judging at starpower, idiot." Cameron retorted to Jill.

"That was ten days ago aka over a week ago." Jill said and that made Abby and Cameron roll their eyes in annoyance.

"Mom, we've been taking care of Grandma, judged a competition and had to come back to this?" Cameron griped to Abby.

"Sadly, that's the case." Abby told her son as they turned to the moms. "You do not need to know where we are."

"Does that matter? You aren't Abby and Cameron's Keepers." Christi stated.

"What they do is none of your business!" Melissa added, then Abby and Cameron turned to Kelly.

"Why are you here?" Cameron asked.

"Even though Brooke and Paige are living with your mother, i'm still here and a part of the team!" Kelly sneered.

"Really, after you told them Brooke and Paige were gonna be nothing and you having a hissy fit over Paige being given the new solo for the recital, which she willingly did after my son helped her out and now you have the audacity to come back in this building when all of us heard your ugly mouth, why you did that, we'll never know! Also, you tried to come back previously, but Gianna held her ground against you!" Cameron snapped at Kelly. "And another thing, you broke the contract of my mother's studio, the Abby Lee Dance Company."

"So did Abby Lee Miller and her son, Cameron when the contract said they'd provide a healthy, nourishing enviorment and not one that was unhealthy and toxic."

"The only thing that's toxic up in here is you because that's why Brooke and Paige don't want to be around you anymore!" Abby told Kelly.

"Yeah, you've not only driving Abby and Cameron nuts, but you're driving all of us nuts!" Holly told Kelly.

"Are you kidding?!" Kelly fumed. "You're all going to let Abby and Cameron double team me!?"

"Abby and her son maybe tough on our girls, but at least it works." Kristie said as Kelly stormed out.

"Kelly's becoming a pain in the behind." Jill muttered.

"You can say that again." Holly agreed.

"We're all getting sick of her." Christi added.

"Ditto." Melissa commented.

"Glad to know we're in the same boat." Cameron said, then they got word that Cathy was going to be at the competition and that Nick had a solo against Chloe and even though they didn't make it to the competition, the girls and moms all went to the competition and the girls got a clean sweep and at the second before last competition, Paige had a panic attack and Abby, Cameron, Julie, Gianna and the moms except for Kelly were there for her.

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