Chapter 24: Who gets sent home?

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(This is gonna be short and the next chapter will be the last one of this story)

The next morning in Cameron's room, Cameron was reading an ESPN magazine and Abby was there with him as they talked about what punishment was gonna be for Kelly and Leslie and they were in there as well along with Payton, Brooke and Paige. Brooke and Paige were next to Abby because they did not want to be near Kelly whatsoever and since Kelly had been distant towards them, they were gonna be distant back towards her.

"Kelly, Leslie, i do not know who you both think you are, but you two didn't just embarass us, but you embarrased yourselves for last evening's brawl on bourbon!" Abby growled.

"If Cameron hadn't been a dumb dumb and didn't pulled me off, i wouldn't have to kick him in the jewels!" Kelly said as she glared at Cameron, who rolled his eyes in response.

"Seriously, you're gonna blame Cameron?" Leslie told Kelly. "If you hadn't been drunk, we would have sat down and settled it verbally instead of physically fighting each other!"

"You started it!" Kelly retorted.

"Hey!" Abby clapped as to shut them up. "Here's what we've decided, because of your fight , you two are being sent back home to Chicago, but Payton, Brooke and Paige are gonna stay with us."

"What?!" Leslie griped. "Why can't you send just one of us home and have the other stay?"

"Yeah!" Kelly shouted.

"That's our choice and you have to learn to deal with it." Cameron stated and handed them their plane tickets. "Maybe you'll learn a lesson and not embarass us again and your flight leaves in an hour, so you two need to get to stepping."

Kelly and Leslie both growled in annoyance as because of their actions, they were being sent home and they left the hotel room and got their bags.

"Why do our moms do stupid things that get them or us into trouble?" Payton wondered.

"They're just crazy." Abby answered.

"What she said." Paige commented.

"Let's all move on from this and head to the studio and rehearse," Brooke suggested.

"Ditto." Cameron agreed as they all headed to the studio and resumed their rehearsals despite the drama from Kelly and Leslie.

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