Chapter 14: Skating with the rival, Showdown in New York

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The day after at Stepping Out Studios, it was two days before the competition as Abby, Cameron, Julie and Gianna were all in Studio A/B and in there with them was Maddie, Mackenzie, Chloe, Asia, Brooke, Paige, Melissa, Christi and Kristie. Kendall, Nia, Jill, Kelly and Holly were not seen as Abby, Julie and Gianna noticed that something was on Cameron's mind.

"Something's on your mind, Cam." Gianna said.

"Have you ever had this feeling in your guts that something's missing?" Cameron wondered. "Because i have noticed that Kendall, Nia, Holly, Jill and Kelly haven't shown up yet."

"I had that feeling as well and noticed that too." Abby stated, seeing that Maddie, Mackenzie, Chloe, Asia, Brooke and Paige were the only dancers there was Melissa, Christi and Kristie were in the other room."

"Does anyone have an idea on where they could be?" Julie wondered.

"No idea." Gianna replied. "But i bet Cameron knows."

"If i had to guess, they're probably doing something fun, i don't have a problem with having fun and all, but even i know my limits and they should too." Cameron said.

"He may be on to something." Gianna told Abby and Julie.

"He could be." Julie agreed.

"Cameron, i have a job for you, i want you to find out where Kendall, Nia, Jill, Holly and Kelly could be and also, here's a jacket and hat for you so they won't know you're watching them and it also makes sure that you're incognito, that''ll make them think you're a pedestrian just minding their own business." Abby said, giving him a trenchcoat and hat and Cameron put it on.

"How do i look?"

"You look like a young, long haired version of Humphrey Bogart." Gianna commented which made Cameron, Julie and Abby laugh..

"He sure does." Julie laughed.

"I'm about to head out and when i find them, i'll give you all the heads up." Cameron informed.

"All right, be careful out there while you're looking for them and when you do, give one of us a call and let us know where you found them and when you do, get out of there fast before they can potentially see you." Abby told her son.

"Got it." Cameron said, then he exited the studio and caught a train at the 23rd Street Station, which was going to take him to Bryant Park."

"I believe Jill's gonna get it the most." Christi predicted.

"I say Kelly." Melissa stated.

"At least Maddie, Mackenzie, Chloe, Brooke, Paige and Asia know their limits." Kristie said.

"We all played it smart."

"You know it."

At a park called Bryant Park, Kelly, Jill and Holly were seen nearing the ice rink with Kendall and Nia, they knew they had to be at the studio rehearsing, but at the request of Kelly, they decided to have a some fun first and Holly, Jill, Nia and Kendall were all apprehensive at first, but they decided to go along with it, knowing that Abby and Cameron would not be happy if they got found out and Kelly would take most of the blame because it was all her idea.

"Kinda nice to unwind for a while and be away from Abby and her son." Kendall commented.

"But one of both of them are going to kill us if they find out wer're not at the studio." Nia warned. "At least Maddie, Mackenzie, Brooke, Paige, Chloe and Asia played it smart like we should have been, but no, Kelly had to convice us."

"Kelly, why are at the ice rink?" Jill griped. "We should have been at the studio."

"Yeah." Holly added, she and Jill were suckered into doing some ice skating.

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