Chapter 4: Sitting In

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On Monday, as Abby, Cameron, Jule and Gianna were at the front desk, the moms were all in the parking lot and the girls went into the studio as Melissa nd Christi were the only moms already in the studio as Maddie, Mackenzie and Chloe were in there with Shelly and Ally.

"Where is our newest addition?" Jill asked, referring about Shelly. "Do you think we scared her away?"

"Obviously in there watching Ally having a private with Abby and Cameron or cleaning the bathrooms." Holyl joked as Jill laughed, then they talked about Brooke and Paige not being here.

"Brooke and Paige love being here, we know that, but Kelly is keeping them away, i remember overhearing Abby talking to Brooke and Paige and that's what they found out. Brooke and Paige feel this is the best place for them, but their mother thinks otherwise." Jill said. "I think we should demonstrate that Brooke and Paige should be here by sitting in. I just want Brooke and Paige back, Kelly can stay away and one of us could bring them to the studio."

"That's the plan."

Inside the studio, Abby and Cameron were talking about the upcoming competition as Julie was with Gianna were with Maddie, Mackenzie, Chloe and Ally waiting to start, but Nia and Kendall weren't there.

"All righty, we're gonna be heading to Ft Wayne, Indiana at the Arts United Center to compete at Xpression dance competition." Cameron stated.

"Also, we're gonna have a group dance like usual and we'll have two or three solos." Abby told her son.

"Great idea, mom." Cameron said, then he and Abby saw Holly and Jill heading past the front desk and walked into the ladies' bathroom, much to their confusion. "I don't know what was about."

"Me either." Abby admitted, she and Cameron wondered why Jill and Holly went into the bathroom and then they heard the two women talking and Abby and her son could not make what Holly and Jill

"How was the weekend, Ladies?" Cameron asked, but Holly and Jill didn't answer.

"We are not gonna say anything to them." Holly thought to herself.

"If we say one slight word, then we're letting Kelly win, we're doing this for Brooke and Paige." Jill also thought.

"Mom, i'm trying to be nice to them and try to talk to them, but they aren't saying a single word to me." Cameron griped.

"I had a feeling that they were being suspicious, but at least you gave it a shot to try to talk to them." Abby told him and minutes later, they knew that it was usually time for pyramid and went to the dancer's den to see if they were in there as Jill and Holly left the area near the front desk.

"Girls?" Cameron called as he and his mother walked into the Dancer's Den and no one was in there. "Come on, we want to get started with pyramid and Maddie, Mackenzie, Chloe and Ally are waiting! Where could they be?"

"No cl ue and like like i said earlier, those moms are acting suspicious. How about we give a call to see if we can get answer on what's going on?" Abby suggested.

"Let's." Cameron said as he and Abby went to the front desk where Gianna, Julie, Jennine and Rachael were, Cameron dialed Holly's number and it went to voicemail after it rang five times. "Hey, Holly, this is Cameron aka Cam calling you and we don't know what is going on, but if we had to guess, this has something to do with you not accepting Ally and Shelly replacing Brooke and Paige even though it hurt us to do so and if this is the case, you have officially gone nuts, if you and Jill are gonna ruin Nia and Kendall over that, then that means you have officially gone senile."

Cameron then hung up.

"No luck getting into contact with Holly or Jill?" Julie asked.

"No, Jules." Cameron responded to his girlfriend.

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