Chapter 9: Appendectomy

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The day before the competition, rehearsals were happening as the ALDC was going to be heading to Detroit to compete at WILD Dance intensive, but they were gonna have to go up against Cathy and her all boy team again and the assignments were solos for solos for Maddie and Kendall, also there a duet that was going to be done by Nia and Paige, a group and Sophia and Jackie were back and Kendall's solo was about to be finished since they had time.

"Kendall, we're going to finish your solo, we have time." Abby instructed, but Kendall looked like she was gonna cry. "Oh, are you crying again?!"

"And we thought Mackenzie was the baby of the group, but it's you." Cameron added as Kendall was trying not to cry as Jill was glaring.

"You know what? We can't have a crying kid doing a solo." Abby said. "No way, we're not gonna...we're not teaching you, when my son was dancing for me, he never boo-hooed, he sucked it up and toughened up and you crying is disrespectful to us, you got a solo and other people did not and you're boo-hooing worse than LeBron James. Ridiculous."

"Kendall, get yourself together." Cameron stated, as Kendall then walked towards the Dancer's Den. "All right, so you just went, Giggle, Giggle, Giggle."

Kendall walked into the Dancer's Den as Gianna was exiting and once Kendall walked in, she started sobbing as the other dancers came and consoled her.

Minutes later, Cameron was watching the group rehearsals was strangely looking somewhat pale as Abby, Gianna, Julie, The Girls and Moms, even Kelly looked worried for him then all of a sudden felt pain hitting his abdomen and it caused him to bend over, hold his abdomen and grimace from the pain as Abby raced over to Cameron while Gianna stopped the music.

"Cam!" Julie raced to her boyfriend and Abby followed.

"Are you ok?" Abby asked her son.

Cameron groaned in pain as he felt the sharp pain now on his right side as the moms all came downstairs to check on him and they were all worried for him.

"What's wrong, Cam?" Maddie wondered.

"It's obvious that my abdomen and my right side are doing the moonwalk at the same time." Cameron answered, the pain came again and he groaned and was profusely sweating.

"That doesn't sound good." Mackenzie said.

"Yeah." Chloe agreed as Melissa kneeled down and felt his forehead, and he was burning up and Cameron had small beads of sweat on his forehead.

"He's got a fever and it's high." Melissa commented, then she noticed that he was about to throw up as he looked nauseous and Christi quickly brought a bucket in and he threw up in it.

"Somebody call a doctor." Cameron groaned.

"Speaking of that, I'll take you to the hospital." Abby stated, then she turned to Gianna. "Gianna, take over, i'm gonna take Cameron to the hospital."

"All right." Gianna stated.

"We'll be there to visit you when Abby gives us word on what's making you sick." Julie told him.

"We're all here for you!" Melissa told Cameron, who gave a thumbs up in return as Abby helped Cameron up and wrapped an arm around him and the dance teacher walked her son to the Escalade and put him in the front seat and Abby got in the front seat

Nine minutes later, Abby arrived at Niles Hospital, which was similar to the Northwest Community Hospital that's located in Niles on Dempster Street between Luther Lane and Western Avenue and once she found a parking space, she helped her son out of the vehicle and walked in and approached the receptionist, who is a female and knows Abby really well since the day she brought in Cameron after he was born and adopted him.

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