Chapter 7: Going up against The Replacements

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At Cameron's house, Cameron was getting ready to head over to the studio as he was finished showering and putting on his clothes and as he was heading to his phone to get it before leaving for the studio, it rang.

"Who could be calling me?" Cameron wondered as he answered it. "Hello, Cameron Miller here, who may i be speaking with?"

"Hello, Cameron, this is Trevor calling." Trevor, the compeition director of DanceTroupe was on the other line.

"Oh, hey, how are you doing today?" Cameron asked.

"I'm doing well today, Cameron, how about you?"

"Good, what's happening?"

"I wanted to make you aware of an issue, the duet that Maddie and Kendall had originally received first place was actually second place in the duet/trio division. So we gave you an incorrect awards, so we had to let you know it was a mistake on our part and we're sorry for that." Trevor explained as Cameron looked shocked.

"Ok, thanks for letting me know and i'll tell my mom once i get to her studio, the Abby Lee Dance Company." Cameron stated as he hung up. "Man, Maddie and Kendall actually got second? That's not gonna sit well with mom."

Eventually, Cameron left the house, got in his vehicle and drove to the studio. Once he arrived, he parked in his parking space and got out and walked into the studio where Abby, Julie and Gianna were talking.

"Mom, Gia, Jules, i've got some bad news." Cameron told them.

"What's wrong, Cam? Julie wondered.

"The competition director of DanceTroupe Inc called me before i left my house."

"He did? What did he want?" Abby wondered.

"He told me that there was an issue and that Maddie and Kendall's duet wasn't actually first place, it was actually second place and you know what that means when it comes to second place and mom, like you always say, second is the first to lose.." He explained and Abby gave a agitated sigh and told Gianna to write the correct info.

"So, they didn't win after all." Gianna said.

"Sadly, they didn't." Julie muttered. "Thanks for informing us."

"No problem, i'll head into Studio A and adjust the pyramid." Cameron stated as he walked into Studio A to adjust the pyramid and minutes later, the moms and girls had all arrived as Cameron and Abby stood near the pyramid. "Once again, we're not very happy campers. When we left the competition, the talk from everybody was how amazing and fantastic you were, being the big winners, but nothing blew us away."

"We think that you all would be interested in knowing that our duet did not win, i learned about when Cameron told me that the competition director informed him about the error and he relayed it to me." Abby said as Melissa, Jill, Maddie and Kendall looked disappointed over hearing the duet didn't win. "We thought that Greensboro was a smashing succes, but as it turned out, it was a massive letdown, we saw the group number and a combination of superb and horrendous dancing. Kendall, who's place did you take?"

"Sophia." Kendall answered.

"Had Sophia been here this week, you probably would have been in the background and get this memo, when you're in here rehearsing for the competitions and you keep screwing up, you do not need for one of us to stand there and point out every one of those mistakes!" Cameron yelled. "Don't you see that? All right, mom, you start the pyramid."

Abby revealed the first headshot of the pyramid, which was Kendall's. "Kendall, you worked your way up the pyramid, now you're badk down where you began when you first came to this studio."

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