Part 47

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Kira's pov
Thursday 8 am (ima start adding dates and times maybe this will cause a little less confusion maybe..)
Kira and Devin had made Alayna an appointment for a checkup. They both looked at each other before walking into the doctors office with sleepy Alayna in front of them.
"Am I going to school?" Alayna complained while sitting in Kira lap as Kira rubbed her back.
"No you're gonna go tomorrow." Kira said as Alayna sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Lose the attitude missy." Kira said looking at her as Devin chuckled.
"Definitely a mini you, I knew it was coming soon enough." Devin said as Kira smiled and rolled her eyes.
"Alayna Consteallo." The doctor called out as Alayna, Devin and Kira stood up going towards the back. The doctor put them in a room and gave Alayna a pee cup.
"Need help?" Kira asked as Alayna shook her head wanting to do it by herself. Alayna went into the private restroom across the hall and did what she was supposed to do then came out with the cup.
"Lay you was supposed to put the cup here." Kira said showing her the small window like door on the wall. "Ima step out I'll be in the waiting room." Devin said to Kira once the doctor came in, even though it was his daughter he felt like it was a respect thing for him to step out the room with situations like this when it came to his girls.
Melody pov
Melody continued to look at the picture of the pregnancy test results she had took yesterday. She couldn't believe she was now pregnant with her first child after being gay for 6 years. She ran her fingers thru her hair as she stressed about the situation and how she was gonna tell Ben and her family.
"You look upset, wassup with you?" Deavion asked walking in with Ben behind him. Melody quickly locked her phone as she shook her head.
"Nothing just in pain a little." Melody said as Ben grabbed the pill bottle and tried giving Melody two pain pills.
"No they make me feel some type away Im not taking those." Melody lied as Deavion looked at her weirdly.
Deavion pulled out his phone and sent Melody a message that said "I seen the test, ima leave yall to talk" then looked up to see her reaction and smirked while walking away leaving Mel shocked.
"Ben there's something I need to tell you." Melody said looking down while fumbling with her fingers.
"Wassuh?" He said putting his arm around her as she sighed.
"This is hard- Melody cut the bullshit and gone tell me you pregnant some else besides that?" He asked bluntly as Melody jaw dropped as she looked up at him.
"I knew what I was doing when I slid in you raw, I always wanted a future with someone like you. Big house, a mini you running around, Diamond ring on your finger. All you gotta do is stay down." Ben said looking at Melody while expressing his feelings as she looked down feeling a little guilty at the fact she had thought about getting rid of it.
"All that sounds nice Ben but im not ready, I haven't even finished school then me and Jayla go to school together people are gonna talk- Melody you don't got to worry about all of that, You hear me?" Ben said lifting her chin as she slowly nodded and dropped the conversation.
London pov
London sat down in the basement of the trap for weeks not knowing whether she was gonna live or die. The workers would come in everyday to keep her hydrated so she wouldn't die off dehydration. Devin's bartender would feed her on Monday & Friday's when she wasn't busy and give her a bath every Thursday. London looked up from the bed as the female bartender walked in.
"Time for a bath, you see the boss today and smelling like that might just get you killed." The bartender said while throwing two towels at her as London got up while the two guy workers uncuffed her feet. A couple of guys that were in the lounge room gave her disgusting looks and stares as she walked by.
"Hurry up you got 10 minutes." The bartender said standing by the door as London climbed out her old clothes before getting into the shower. After a few minutes of showering and washing her hair London got out the shower and climbed into a big tshirt that came down to her knees and underwear that were given to her.
"You wait here." The bartender said pushing her to the wall and walking away as London stood there as told.
She was so frightened by what the workers would do to her she knew not to move a muscle while unattended.
She looked around and saw Devin coming towards her along with Kira, Dee, and Deanthony.
Dee and Deanthony grabbed both arms pulling her towards the basement as Devin and Kira walked ahead of them.
"London meet the boss Kira, Kira meet London." Devin said introducing the two as London looked at him shockingly. She had underestimated Kira, she never thought Kira would be the head boss of a drug cartel nor had to life to be around any of this but she thought wrong.
"She decides whether you live or die but in her books right now you wont make it to your own funeral." Devin said pulling up a chair and sitting in front of London.
"Whats it gonna be London. Do you think you deserve to live?" Kira asked as tears came rolling out of London's  eyes as she shook her head.
"I-I-Im so sorry Kira I had nothing to do with what Antwan did to Lay I didn't know he touched her- Before London could say another word Kira punched London in her mouth making blood pour out of it. Kira shook her hand off as she sat in Devin's lap.
"London im not to be fucked with when it comes to my children so you mean to tell me you let this guy in Devin's house, let him go to an upstairs bathroom when it's one downstairs not knowing he was gonna pull something like this. Luckily she made it but now my child has to deal with this- I swear I didn't know Kira im sorry." London begged as Kira got up.
"Any last words?" Deanthony asked as London looked at Devin
"Your daughter, Diamond works for Antwan." London said as we all looked at him as he nodded.
"What we do with her?" Dee asked as Kira and Devin stopped at the door and looked between them and London.
"Finish her." Kira said bluntly before leaving
Keith pov
Keith woke up from an hangover and saw he was in bed with one of Nicki's coworkers. He slowly got up and grabbed his things quietly to not wake her.
Keith ordered himself Waffle House then made his way there to pick it up since it was a 10 minute drive.
Once he got home he got a call from Olivia, Nicki's coworker. Phone conversation
Keith: wassup
Olivia: hey where you go? I didnt hear you leave this morning
Keith: yeah im at home wassup?
Olivia: oh i thought we'll at least talk about what happened last night
Keith: we both were drunk and it happened. What is there to talk about?
Olivia: us Keith I-
Keith: Olivia im busy right now I'll call you later
End of conversation
Keith got out the car and went into the house. He walked into the living room and saw Kira there sleep on his couch instead of her own. He sighed thinking he was gone come home to an empty house
"Kira....Kira get up." He said shaking her as she looked up at him and stretched before getting up.
"Hey I uh, I'll pick the kids up from school." Kira said groggily as Keith chuckled.
"Tired huh? Hospital wearing you out?" Keith asked as she shook her head.
"Nah i been off for a few days. Its Alayna that keeps me up all night." She said as Keith looked at her confusingly.
"Whats wrong with her?" Keith asked as he bit into his sandwich and looked at Kira.
"London let some guy into Devin's house and he-he-he raped my baby Keith." Kira said quietly while in tears as she looked up at him.
"Did De find the dude?" Keith asked as Kira shook her head.
"No clue where he is and Lay been up late nights having nightmares, crying, wont sleep in her own room..." Kira explained as Keith listened to her vent.
"Where is she now? You tried a counselor?" Keith asked as she shook her head.
"With Devin she wanted to stay with him." Kira said shrugging as Keith nodded.
"Get some sleep I'll pick up the twins." Keith said as Kira phone began to ring. It was Darius, he had been calling her for the past few days and Kira had been avoiding his calls.
"Not talking?" Keith asked as Kira hit the red button.
"Whats to talk about? He clearly thinks Devin and I have something going on so." Kira said as Keith laughed.
"I think everyone does, what happen with you and Jayla?" He asked as she rolled her eyes.
"She got mad cause I didn't take up for Brittney when yall was arguing she said I was too busy in Devin's face you know Jayla always picks a fight, instead this time I was about to shoot her." Kira explained as Keith laughed.
"Yooo yall wilding ion think you would've shot her." Keith said smiling as Kira shrugged.
"Keith Im too old to be fighting with Jayla, we too old for a lot of shit. I probably would have." She said as Keith agreed.

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