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Miyah pov
"Hey Ma." Miyah said hugging her grandmother once she was settled into her room.
"Hey Baby how's everything going? You moved away & dont visit or nothing no more. You talked to your dad?" Her Grandmother asked as Miyah sighed.
"No we haven't spoke with each other, everything's been good i've been busy with work, school, this baby. i've kept in touch with Kira though, Ma im sorry." Miyah said as her grandmother laughed.
"It's alright baby, You looking like you ready to pop at anytime." She said as Miyah shook her head.
"Yeah im ready to drop it's exhausting.." Miyah said as she sighed.
"Somethings bothering you, Whats wrong?" She asked as Miyah looked away.
"Dad, Ma I dont wanna sound jealous but he's been mad at me forever for getting pregnant but he's happy for Melody. I don't understand, whats so different about me, why is everything I do wrong?" Miyah cried into her grandmother's arms as she nodded and comforted her.
"He's not mad at you sweetie, listen if nobody else say this im gonna say it; im proud of you A'Miyah Sierra Consteallo if thats how you feel then you just do you're not jealous right is right and im gonna talk to him." Her grandmother said as Miyah nodded.
"Thank you Ma." Melody said smiling slightly as her grandmother smiled and left the room leaving Miyah alone as she called her boyfriend
Phone conversation
Miyah's Boyfriend: wassup baby , you good?
Miyah: *sniffs.. No im ready to come home already
Miyah's boyfriend: Whats wrong? why you sound like that?
Miyah: Its my Dad. we haven't talked since we gotten here, David he haven't said two words to me not even a hey.
Miyah's boyfriend: have you tried speaking with him? stop crying give it some time it has been what a couple of years since y'all talked or seen each other
Miyah; no but you're right
Miyah's boyfriend: yeah im at work so text me and let me know how it goes
Miyah: okay love you babe
Miyah's boyfriend: love youu too
end of conversation

Devin pov
"Devin you're wrong and you know it." Kira argued as they unpacked to get settled in.
"For what- You havent seen nor spoken with Miyah in 3 years thats still your daughter at the end of the day!" Kira yelled as Devin shook his head.
"Kira i aint hearing that today." Devin said as Kira shook her head.
"But you're gonna hear it because its not fair how you're doing her. Every single child you have besides Lay got a baby & you were happy but since Miyah's the oldest you're mad with her. She's grown Devin let her live!" Kira said as his mother walked in.
"She's right Devin you really hurt her feelings, you need to go talk to her." His mom said as he sighed.
"Alright i'll talk to her. Y'all expect for this shit to be okay? it's not." Devin said as Kira rolled her eyes and went into the bathroom.
"Devin she's grown let her grow up. The rest of these kids having babies and you just expect her to stay a little girl all her life? That isnt how it works treat her equally stop showing favoritism." His mother said as he got up.
"Mama Im not showing favoritism- You are & you know it make it right before its too late." His mom said before leaving out the room as Miyah slowly walked in.
"Dad can we talk?" Miyah asked quietly as he nodded and patted the bed. Miyah sat down beside Devin as they both looked at the floor before Devin broke the silence.
"Miyah im not mad at you, I just didn't want you to grow up so fast im sorry for that and willing to meet my 3rd grand." He said looking at her as she smiled and hugged him.
"I love you Dad." Miyah said as he rubbed her back.
"I love you too, what you having?" he asked as she smiled.
"A girl her name is Brooklyn Dior Johnson." Miyah said as Devin smiled.
"Another grand-daughter huh?" he said as they both laughed.

Jordan pov
Jordan walked out her room with her head down accidentally bumping into Melody.
"Oh My God im sorry, im so sorry you okay?" Jordan asked catching Melody's balance as Melody nodded.
"Yeah im fine just a little lightheaded." Melody said grabbing the door as Jordan helped her into her room.
"You need anything I can-No can you just go get my mom." Melody said as Jordan nodded and turned to leave before Melody grabbed her hand.
"Thank you Jordan." Melody said looking up at her as Jordan nodded and went to go get Kira.
"Ma K." Jordan yelled running into her room as Devin looked at her weirdly.
"Where's Ma?" Jordan asked looking around.
"Kira!" Devin yelled as she came out the bathroom in pajamas.
"Melody needs you, she was feeling lightheaded so i put her to bed." Jordan said as Kira walked out the room with Jordan behind her.
"Whats going on?" Kira asked as Melody looked at her with tears in her eyes.
"It hurts so bad." Melody whined as Kira pulled the covers back and saw blood ruining the covers and sheets.
"Close the door." Kira said looking at Jordan as Jordan did what was told.
"Melody you had a miscarriage." Kira said quietly as tears came running down her face.
"What'd i do wrong?" Melody cried as Jordan wiped her tears away with a tissue.
"Try to get up so we can get you cleaned up." Kira said as Melody winced in pain as she slowly got out of bed.
As Kira helped Melody into the bathroom to get her cleaned up Jordan looked at the bed and saw the undeveloped baby laying there on a pillow. Jordan carefully picked it up and sat it on a tissue before she pulled the sheets and covers off the bed.
After cleaning the bed Jordan walked into the bathroom with the tissue and saw Melody sitting there crying while holding onto Kira.
"What do i do with it?" Jordan asked as Melody held her hands out. She cried harder as she looked at it while flipping it around with the tip of her finger.
Jordan grabbed Melody's phone and saw Ben calling, She looked at Melody before answering.
phone conversation
Ben: Where Melody? ask her why she not answering my texts.
Jordan: umm Ben i dont think this is a good time
Ben: Where she at? some wrong with my wife? man put her on the phone.
Melody: *grabs phone
Ben: what's wrong with you? i needa fly out there?
Melody: *cries again
Jordan: *grabs phone.. Ben she lost the baby
Ben: what?
Jordan: Ben
Ben: Nah Melody stop playing wimme
Jordan: *turns camera around
Ben: *drops phone
end of conversation
"Look at me this was just your first time, its gonna be alright i promise you. you can always try again." Kira said to Melody as she shook her head.
"I wanna go home." Melody cried into Kira's arms as she rubbed her back.
"Let it all out." Kira said kissing her head as Melody continued to cry.
"Go get Devin." Kira said as Jordan nodded and left out the room.
"Uncle De, Ma Kira wants you." Jordan said as he got up and followed Jordan into Melody's room. Jordan closed the door leaving them in the room for privacy and went into her own room.

Devin pov
"Whats going on?" He said looking between Melody and Kira as she looked down at the tissue as Devin did the same.
"Hey Melody wipe your eyes, life dont stop here just because you lost one you got plenty of times to have children look at your mama she wasnt even able to have kids but she managed to bring you and your brother into the world, she lost 2 babies but she still had Deavion, Karlie, and Lay. See you got time and if Ben doesn't wanna wait or support you at this moment then you dont need to marry him." Devin said sitting on the edge of the tub as she cried in his arms while Kira cleaned up the bathroom.
"You hear me? it's alright to cry but get yourself together." Devin said as Melody nodded and dried her tears.
"Ima go to bed thanks mom and dad." She said quietly before walking out the bathroom and climbing into bed.
Both of her parents kissed her head and turned out the lights before going into their own room.

Next Morning
Deavion pov
Deavion got up and did his hygiene, once he was done he scrolled thru his social media and saw Ben posted with another female. Anger shot thru him as he looked at the picture after he saw Melody posted a picture of her miscarriage. Deavion called Ben and waited for him to answer
phone conversation
ben: wassup my brother! you missed it lastnight it was crazy yo
deavion: dont call my sister no more i dont wanna catch you around her again
ben: wassup my guy? whats this-
Deavion: my sister just lost yall baby & you on social media in another female bed that's disrespectful as fuck. not only that you hurting my sister that engagement off & yeah i said it ! dont call , text her, nothing yall done !
end of conversation
Deavion threw his phone aside and walked across the hall to Melody's room and saw her laying there watching tv.
"You good babygirl?" Deavion asked as she nodded.
"Im fine i just wanna be left alone, you're not bothering me its just everybody else wanna come in and give their condolences and shit I dont wanna hear that." Melody said as Deavion nodded.
"I'll do some bout it, You need anything?" Deavion asked as she shook her head.
"Nah im good little brother thank you." Melody said as he kissed her head.
"Call me in here if you need some bra ima close the door and lock it, I can get back in so you dont gotta get up." Deavion said leaving out as Melody nodded and stared out the window while thinking about her lost baby.

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