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The next day
Kira pov
Kira woke up to miss calls and texts as she got up and began to clean the house and start breakfast.
"I got it babe you go back to bed I know you're tired." the maid said as Kira laid her head on the counter.
"Ugh Thank you so much, my head hurts so bad." Kira said quietly as she made herself some coffee and took two advils. Afterwards, Kira went back to bed and grabbed her laptop and began to get back to work. She started off by calling the unknown number back that called her lastnight.
phone conversation
kira: helllo
Child Protective services: is this Kira consteallo?
kira: yes
Cps: well yes this is Angela with child protective services I have Ariaannaa here with me and you was next on her list for custody and I wanted to get with you before moving on down the list-
Kira: wait Custody? You're taking her away from her father?
Cps: Long story short yes mam The environment she has been in and due to the charges he has yes if you dont take custody she'll be put in a home. You can come down anytime today or tomorrow but after tomorrow the decision will be made
Kira: I'll be down there today. can I speak with Ariaannaa?
Ariaannaa: *crying .. huh
Kira: you okay? i'll be down there today to get you. okay?!
Ariaannaa: where's my daddy?
Kira: *sighs.. Ariaannaa im doing all i can
Ariaannaa: I wanna go home Ma K
Kira: I know you're coming home i'll see you later okay
ariaannaa: okay
end of conversation
"Who was that?" Devin mumbled while turning over as Kira shook her head.
"Cps." Kira said quietly as she continued to go thru missed calls.

Jordan pov
"Im gone Jordan help your mom with- No!" Jordan yelled as Dee and Jayla both looked at her.
"Excuse me?" Jayla said standing up to her daughter.
"We was supposed to have Daddy-Daughters day." Jordan said crossing her arms as Dee sighed.
"What about Mommy-Daughter day boo boo I gotta work." Dee said as Jordan shook her head.
"Well can I go over Kira's- We think its best you stay away from them for a while." Jayla said as Jordan looked at her.
"YOU think that, How come she can just come home and try taking over everything, I liked it better when it was just me and Dad!" Jordan yelled while storming away as Dee shook his head.
"Dee- Just try talking to her, I gotta go." Dee said shrugging before leaving as Jayla sighed and grabbed her phone.
phone conversation
kira: hello
jayla: what did you say to jordan to make her not wanna be around me?
Kira: look Jay I dont have time for your shit today, I have other things on my plate than you coming at me behind your responsibilities if you wanna relationship with your daughter fix the shit you did and keep me out of it
end of conversation
Jayla nodded and made a phone call to a old friend no one knew about
phone conversation
Jayla: Do it
unknown: bet
end of conversation

Keith pov
"Keith how it's looking you plead guilty or take 30 years." Keith said trying to persuade him as he shook his head.
"Im not pleading guilty to something I didn't do! That woman just wants to take my daughter away from me thats how I got in this situation." He said angrily as the lawyer sighed.
"I understand that, we have that under investigation and custody of all children went to Mrs.Consteallo so your kids are in great hands but we're focused on getting you out of here." The lawyer said as Keith nodded.
"At least if you plead guilty you'll have a bond if not it could take days, even months, before you get a bond if the jury decides to give you one." Keith's lawyer said as he nodded.
"When we getting this shit over with?" Keith asked starting to get fed up. He just wanted to be back home under his own roof with his kids.
"Next Court day is tomorrow morning at 9 am i'll see you before then." The lawyer said packing up as Keith held his head in his hands.

Devin pov
"You got a lot to do today?" Devin asked while getting dressed as Kira sighed.
"Yup Deavion has Lay for the day so she's good, you be careful out there." Kira said as Devin kissed her head.
"Shit gotta be done so it dont turn around on us, I love you." Devin said as Kira nodded.
"Love you too see you later." Kira said as they both got in separate cars and went about there day. Devin went to the trap & gathered the money and few guns that was there. Afterwards, he grabbed the bomb setting it for 30 seconds. Devin walked out the trap and hopped into his car leaving behind the trap he had since he was young. As he was headed to a newer building he got a call from Kira.
phone conversation
Devin: wassup baby?
Kira: *screams.. someone's following me Devin what do i do ?
Devin: calm down-
Kira: I cant i keep losing control of the car
Devin: go to the trap you're closer to there, drive slow and see if you can lose them
kira: k
Devin made a U-turn and rushed back to the trap, he stayed on the phone with Kira the entire time until she arrived.
"Where'd they go?" Devin asked once she got there.
"They kept going when I turned." Kira said as Devin leaned over inside the car.
"Get out the car- Why?" Kira said looking at him as Devin opened the door and quickly pulled her out the car, Once he pulled Kira out the car the car blew up.
"Somebody watching you, Im about to take you home- No I have to go get Keith's kids." Kira said as they quickly got into Devin's car.
"Okay we can do that then you're going home and packing your bags. I cant have you around with all this going on along with somebody trying to blow your ass off the map." Devin said as Kira crossed her arms and sighed.
"Are you coming- No I have to stay here and get things settled, you'll be alright without me for a minute." Devin said as Kira nodded.

Unknown pov
phone conversation
jayla: did you do it?
unknown: i lost her
jayla: and his mom?
unknown: she's done
jayla: i'll call you later with more details
end of conversation

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