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Dee pov
After continuously catching Jayla in her lies, Dee hired someone to follow her every move to see whats she had been up to lately. Dee expected her to start doing drugs again but this time it was much more deeper than that.
"Gimme the run down." Dee said as he poured himself some orange juice.
"She's been hanging out with this group a couple of dudes and a chick, their meeting spot is at an old abandoned house." The guy explained to Dee as he nodded.
"it's the trap." Jordan said walking by as they both looked at her.
"You've been there?" the guy asked as Jordan laughed.
"Come here!" Dee yelled as Jordan sighed and came back down the steps.
"Dad I have some online work- How you know about this?" Dee asked as Jordan crossed her arms.
"Aunt B paid me not to talk." She said showing Dee the 3 bands as he shook his head.
"Alright what's this place? and how you know?" Dee said giving his daughter two bands as she smirked.
"Its her trap house, that night I told you I was over a friends house I wasn't , I had followed Mom there." Jordan said as Dee shook his head.
"Jordan you could have got hurt- I didnt go in I stayed outside to see what was going on, she didn't even know I was there." Jordan said sitting down as Dee sighed.
"What happened?" Dee asked as Jordan looked between the guy and her dad.
"Aunt B- Forget what Brittney said Im your father." Dee said as Jordan looked down and played the recording for her Dad.
Dee played the recording twice then pulled out his phone as Jordan jumped up.
"No Dad please! She told me If I tell anyone she'll have aunt Kira killed in jail." Jordan begged as she grabbed his arm.
"Who else knows?" Dee asked as Jordan held back her tears.
"Aunt B, Aunt Kira we played it for her when we visited her, and Uncle Devin." Jordan said as Dee nodded.

Kira pov
Kira woke up and looked around the room
"Ready to go back?" A nurse asked as Kira held her wrapped head while groaning.
"Yeah I guess." She said as the nurse gave her pain meds and helped her off the bed. The officers handcuffed her and slowly walked her back to her cell.
"Look who's out." One girl yelled as the other cell of females laughed as she walked by their hall
"You need anything?" Kira's cellmate asked as she shook her head.
"Did they say whether you can attend the funeral or not?" Her cellmate asked pulling up a chair beside her bunk as she sighed.
"Im in here for murdering her obviously you think they gone let me go to her funeral." Kira said nonchalantly as her cellmate shook her head.
"You right word around the cells while you were in infirmary, the MG crew is what they call themselves got out bad for you. You just got here and already got enemies girl better watch your back." Her cellmate said as Kira shook her head and sighed.
"What you do to them? they know you or something?" She asked as Kira shrugged.
"Nothing if they know me its either thru my family or social media." Kira said closing her eyes as her cellmate placed a shank in her hand.
"You're gonna need this." Her cellmate said as Kira place it under her pillow.
"We have a search every Thursday so dont forget its there." Her cellmate warned her before climbing into her own bed.

Devin pov
"What they say about Kira?" Brittney asked as Devin, Deanthony, and her sat around making funeral arrangements.
"Still investigating, she wont be out in time for the funeral." Devin said shrugging as Deanthony shook his head.
"Im out bro this shit fucked up- Deanthony!" Brittney yelled as he got up.
"Nah cause its fucked up how you still fighting for Kira after this- Kira didnt do this!" Brittney yelled as Deanthony sucked his teeth.
"How would you know?" Deanthony asked as Devin shook his head.
"Its too much to explain- You too B? Its crazy how hard y'all riding for her after she killt our mom." Deanthony said before leaving as Devin phone began to ring.
phone conversation
Devin: hello
kira: hey you talk to you B ?
Devin: yeah she right here
kira: lemme talk to her
brittney: hey how are you in there?
kira: watch out for my baby bro-
Brittney: we getting you out soon sis
kira: if i make it out
brittney: wym kira whats going on?
kira: Jayla built a team she has a gang of girls in here working for her, tryna kill me.
brittney: Kira-
kira: ion have enough time but i got my visitation rights back, it wont be today but it'll be tomorrow some time kiss Lay for me
Brittney: I love you sis
kira: love you too, gotta go
end of conversation
"We cant keep sitting around waiting." Brittney said as Devin got up and walked over to Dee's house.
"Wassup Bro." Dee said dapping Devin and hugging Brittney.
"Where's Jayla?" Brittney asked as Dee shrugged.
"I heard." Dee said as Brittney looked at him.
"The recording?" Brittney asked as he nodded.
"She also threatened Jordan, She left out earlier this morning said she'll be back around 5 I been timing her and watching her every move, she's smart wonder whats her next move." Dee said as Devin shook his head.
"Not only that she has a gang built up in the same jail as Kira." Devin said as Dee shook his head.
"Brittney gotta step in dawg- She thinks Brittney doesn't know anything." Devin said as Brittney agreed.
"Im the reason she fount out Kira was in Miami alone she's gonna assume if I step in." Brittney said as Jayla walked in.
"Hey y'all, Hey De how's Kira." Jayla said sitting bags on the table.
"She straight." Devin said playing along as she nodded.

Keith pov
"I dont think Kira would do none like this Bro." Keith said shaking his head as Deanthony shrugged.
"Not you too bra, she locked up for it- We got locked up for shit like this we didnt do so what? Doesnt mean she did it, Damn you turning your back on her cause she booked?" Keith said as Deanthony sighed.
"If they find her guilty you know Devin gone deal with it, but I doubt they do just be patient." Keith said as their was a knock at his door.
"Come in." Keith yelled as Olivia walked in.
Keith sucked his teeth and sighed once he saw her walk in.
"Can we talk?" She asked as Deanthony got up.
"I'll be back bro, give yall some privacy." Deanthony said leaving as Keith rubbed his head and walked past her going to his room as she followed.
"Keith Im sorry, I just been going thru so much with coming home and the abortion I- Someone that was like a mother to me was killed... You think I got time for your petty ass arguments and shit Olivia? Im sorry I wasn't there like i told you I would be I understand this not shit you used to but this shit gotta stop I got alot of shit on my plate right now and you do too, Grow up Liv!" Keith said as Olivia stood in a corner quiet.
"Keith Im sorry...." Olivia started to say before tears started to flow down her face. Keith got up and pulled her closer to him. He kissed and sucked on her neck before laying her on the bed as she slowly dried her tears.  He pulled her shorts off throwing them aside while tearing open a condom he had on him. He then slowly positioned himself at her entrance and made his way in. Olivia moans began to fill the room as Keith began to slowly stroke himself in and out of her while picking up the pace. Keith slowed done after drilling Olivia's shit and began to make passionate love to her before pulling out, Afterwards they both went into the bathroom to get themselves cleaned up.
"Ima go- You can stay, put on one of my shirts, get cleaned up. See you later?" Keith said lifting her chin then kissing her softly as Olivia nodded while looking up at him. Once he left out the bathroom Oliva slowly smiled while thinking to herself How could she be so lucky.

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