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Keith pov
Keith sat in court wondering where Kira and his kids could be on this important day..
"All Rise."
Keith looked back and saw Kira and his kids slowly walking in.
"Where were you?" he asked as the lawyer cleared his throat.
"Long story I cant explain right now but someone's working against the all of us right now." Kira said as Keith nodded and turned towards the judge. With all the fighting and everything they did the jury did more digging, Keith ended up pleading guilty and got 10 years with no set bond.
"I love you, bra stay up." Kira said hugging Keith as he nodded and kissed all his kids goodbye. As Keith sat in his cell he thought about what Sarah had told him. She warned him about Ariaannaa's grandmother and he didn't listen. Keith held his head in his hands as he thought about all the charges.
"Fuckkk." Keith angrily yelled as he punched the mirror making glass shatter all over the floor.

Kira followed Devin and their bodyguards out the court house and into the car.
"How am I gonna do all this alone without you being there?" Kira asked as Devin kissed her hand.
"You did it all those other years I wasn't there, I promise it wont be long i'll have you and Keith back home in no time. Just Be patient with me." Devin said as Kira nodded while looking at the sleeping twins. Once they got to the airport to get onto the private jet, Kira watched Janelle and Ariaannaa put the twins and Alayna onto the jet.
"Be safe out there I do wanna come back home to my family." Kira said holding onto Devin's jacket as he chuckled.
"And you will, everybody else good whoever it is just mainly after you and Keith and I cant have you around when shit gets out of hand. I put money in your account so you straight til you come home." Devin said as Kira nodded and hugged Devin tightly as he kissed her head.
"I got somebody out there to watch after you so don't worry about nothing I love you." Devin said looking down at Kira as she nodded. He watched her get onto the jet to leave before he got back into his car.

Jayla pov
"So we going after his bitch but not taking this nigga out you know how much protection he got over Kira?" A Guy said as his crew agreed.
"Yeah we'll have to kill him first before anything his right hand man got 10 over his head so thats a easy kill right there." Another said as Jayla shook her head. A woman that worked under the judge walked in making everyone turn their heads.
"Sorry im late, So far the maximum time they was looking to give him was 15 but with what we got thwy only gave him 10 with no bond until his next court date, What we doing about Dee." She said as the guys shrugged
"It wont be easy got security out the ass, and as for him im saving him for last." Jayla said walking back and forth.
"Does your boyfriend know you looking to take over their gang? You playing a dangerous game shawty don't outplay yourself." One of the guys said as Jayla shook her head.
"I gotta go but ima keep a eye out on her, y'all do something about Devin." Jayla said before leaving, not knowing Devin had already sent Kira off to another state.

Brittney pov
Brittney sat on the couch doing work on her computer til she got a facetime call from Kira
phone conversation
brittney: heyyy where are you?
kira: Miami
brittney: what you doing out there ? Who you with?
kira: Keith's kids and Lay, Devin sent us out there to stay for 2-3 weeks
brittney: why? whats going on ? how they holding up
kira: they were upset at first but i got them out the house so they good for now. & Somebody tried to kill me
brittney: what? who would come after you?
kira: i dont know but the day they did it was like 3 people in the car i couldnt tell if it was male or females and they also set a bomb in my car
brittney: wow thats crazy you should've told me I would've came out there with you.
Kira: im fine Devin sent one of his workers to stay out here with me til we get back im just ready for all this to be over
Brittney: right what they say about keith?
kira: 10 years no bond
Brittney: thats not right he didnt do nothing
kira: *shrugs.. i did all i could best lawyer and everything I dont know what they got on him to give him 10.
Brittney looked up at Jayla as she walked in.
"Hey Jay." Brittney said not knowing whats really going on.
"Hey, hey Kira." Jayla said smirking as Kira shook her head.
"Hey call you later B me and the kids bout to go out and find something to eat." Kira said dryly Brittney laughed and nodded.
"Where is she?" Jayla asked suspiciously as Brittney shook her head.
"Miami Devin sent her out there she said somebody tried to kill her." Brittney said shrugging as Jayla nodded.
"Thats sad why would somebody go after Kira?" Jayla said as she texted the guys she hired to kill Kira the first time.
"I dont know but you know Devin she won't be down there for long." Brittney said as Jayla smirked.

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