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Keith pov
Keith cooked all the kids breakfast and waited for them all to come down to eat together as a family. All children sat at the table except Ariaannaa. Everyone looked at Ariaannaa as she walked by.
"Goodmorning." Janelle said as Keith shook his head.
"Morning." She said nonchalantly as she fixed herself some juice.
"We're all having breakfast as a family care to join us?" Keith asked as she scoffed.
"There's your family its been that way for 13 years." Ariaannaa said before going back upstairs as everyone looked at Keith.
"What's her problem?" Khristain asked as Keith shook his head.
"Nothing y'all finish up, y'all got practice ina few." Keith said getting up from the table as the twins looked at each other confusingly.

Ben pov
Since Melody was back home only thing Ben had been worried about was getting his wife back. Ben put shows, meetings, and studio time aside to prove to Melody she was more important to him than any of that. Ben sat outside of Melody's parents house after calling her for the 5th time. He finally decided to take it upon himself and knock.
"Bro- What the fuck you doing here?" Deavion said pushing him as he took a step back.
"I wanna speak with Melody I know what I did was fucked up but I swear i didnt mean- She dont wanna see you, I told you to stay away from her. Did i not make myself clear enough?" Deavion said angrily as Ben sighed.
"Come on Dea you know me i wouldn't do nothing like that to jeopardize our friendship nor hurt your sister thats my fuckin wife yo- Fuck off my porch." Deavion said looking at him as Ben shook his head.
"Im not leaving without talking to her, I dont care we D up or whatever but im not leaving here without seeing Mel." Ben said stepping up to Deavion

[i noticed in the first book yall liked these lil meme's😭 & woo d woo back to the story]

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[i noticed in the first book yall liked these lil meme's😭 & woo d woo back to the story]

Deavion punched Ben in his nose making blood pour out his nose. Both men started to fight, falling down the stairs as Kira and Melody came running outside.
"STOP IT!" Melody screamed in tears as she tried pulling Deavion off Ben. Deavion continued punching Ben in his face repeatedly as Ben tried flipping them over.
"Deavion Consteallo stop it now!" Kira yelled as Devin came outside and pushed both boys apart.
"House now both of you!" He yelled pointing towards the house as Kira pushed Deavion away from Ben.
"Fuck is wrong with y'all?" Devin asked once he had both boys in the living room.
"I just came to speak with Melody but I wasnt gonna back down from your son sir." Ben said as Kira handed him an ice pack for his nose.
"You gone do some bout it?" Deavion said getting up as Ben stood up also.
"What Bro you wanna go outside?!" Ben yelled as Melody stood in front of Ben.
"Stoppp this is my relationship I have say so of whether I wanna speak with him or not and You're gonna stop disrespecting my parents house!" Melody yelled as it got quiet.
"Deavion man cave." Devin said getting up as he looked at Kira.
"Give them some privacy, i'll handle this." Devin said kissing Kira cheek as she nodded.

Melody pov
"Melody I- If I wanted to speak with you I would've came by." Melody said crossing her arms as Ben sighed.
"I just wanted to say Im sorry I swear to god ima make all this up to you I promise i'll never hurt you like that again just come home." He said as Melody shook her head.
"Why Ben? The fact that you caused all this. And The fact that you went out and cheated after I lost our baby- I didn't mean it I went out and got drunk and I don't remember what else happened I remember waking up in some bitch bed. I asked the bodyguards what happened and they couldnt explain so I fired them." Ben said honestly as Miyah walked in.
"Superstar I was waiting to meet you." Miyah said smiling as Melody rolled her eyes.
"Miyah no not right now this isnt a good time." Melody said as miyah looked at her confusingly.
"Whats going on?" Miyah asked as Melody shook her head and grabbed Ben's hand dragging him outside.
"I think you should leave, I got a lot going on right now." Melody said dragging him to his car.
"I love you Melody." Ben said kissing her cheek as Melody looked away.
"Talk to you later be careful driving." Melody said patting his arm and walking away.
"Whats going on?" Miyah asked once Melody walked inside the house as Melody shook her head and went to her room.
Melody scrolled thru her dm's once she saw Roddy Rich dm her a minute ago and saw many other rappers inboxing her since her and Ben had broken up. She threw her phone aside not bothering to respond to any as Miyah walked in.
"You know you cant hold that against him for long." Miyah said nicely as Melody shook her head.
"That's a good man Mel- Why because he's a rapper? thats makes him one?" Melody said as Miyah shook her head.
"Im just saying you got girls begging to be in your spot- They can have it" Melody said shrugging as Miyah chuckled.
"You're very stubborn." Miyah said as Melody shrugged again.
"I just cant forgive him Mi-Mi, after all the hell I been thru with Ben why would he do this?" Melody said starting to tear up as Miyah gave her a tissue.
"Dont start this crying shit, if he told you what honestly happened and apologized there's nothing you can do but wait it out Mel but calling off you guy's marriage over something this small isn't worth it, I promise you." Miyah said as Melody nodded taking her sisters advice.

Ariaannaa pov
Ariaannaa got dressed and waited til Jaeden, her older brother to come pick her up so she could meet the rest of her mom side of the family. Once he texted her telling her he was outside, she quickly hopped up and ran downstairs.
"Where yall going?" Keith asked taking a puff out his cigarette as Jaeden laughed.
"Grandma- It doesn't matter." Ariaannaa said as Keith nodded.
"Be back in the house before 8, nice see you Jae." Keith said patting the side of the door as Jaeden nodded.
Jaeden respected Keith as an Father because Keith was there as an father figure for him. He understood why Keith wasnt around anymore when Arie died, which he was trying to get Ariaannaa to see.
"You know you should stop disrespecting him Ari he's doing his best- His best? Jaeden do you hear yourself? he killt our mother, Kept me away from my family, he destroyed our family." Ariaannaa said in disbelief as Jaeden shook his head.
"Arie destroyed our family thats why she's dead. Ariaannaa he kept you away because our grandmother told him too, she blamed him for a long time where they wouldn't let him be around me cause he was a father to me also but thats the reason he kept you away to keep these people from taking you away from him. I cant really say too much, you just gotta learn on your own that these people dont care about you Ari I got away when I could. Listen to Keith bro, respect this man." Jaeden said as Ariaannaa shook her head.
"Jaeden Take me to our grandmother- Alright I will but once they get used to you being around again dont say i warned you." Jaeden said shaking his head as Ariaannaa looked at him like he was losing his mind.

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