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Next day
Keith pov
Ariaannaa had been sending Keith calls to the voicemail for two weeks now and Keith had gotten fed up with what was going on, He called Jaeden over to see did he know whats going on. Jaeden slowly walked in the house and followed Keith to the living room.
"Wassup?" Jaeden said as Keith looked at him.
"Have you talked to Ariaannaa or know where she is? she's been avoiding my calls." Keith asked as Jaeden shook his head.
"She's been sending me to the voicemail too, I thought she came home." Jaeden said looking at him weirdly as Keith shook his head.
"Well last place I seen her we was at our Grandma house and I told her I was leaving and she wanted to stay, I tried to make her come but she got mad and went off on me." Jaeden explained as Keith nodded.
"Take me there." Keith said as Jaeden nodded and followed Keith to the garage.

Jordan pov
Jordan saw Kira walking to the mailbox and took it upon herself to go over.
"Ma can you help me?" Jordan asked as Kira flipped thru the mail.
"Wassup?" Kira asked looking at her as opened a package for Deavion.
"WellI I wanna move out but I need a co-signer and my Dad is taking too long to think about it- I cant go against what your father says Jordan and you know that." Kira said as she looked over at Jayla.
"But Ma- I'll give him a call and see what he says until then Jordan stop disrespecting your mother. You got her feeling like I turnt you against her." Kira said as Jordan rolled her eyes.
"She be trying to tell me what to do Ma K, She haven't been there for me in 2 years why should I respect her- Because thats still your mother Jordan, give her a chance respect her like you respect me." Kira said crossing her arms as Jordan sighed and nodded.
"Yes mam where's Melody?" Jordan asked as Kira shrugged.
"No telling with that girl." Kira said as Jordan nodded.

Ariaannaa pov
Ariaannaa weakly turned on her side and held her head as she looked at the tv. She looked over and saw a needle, cup of tea, and breakfast sitting on the nightstand. Ariaannaa angrily kicked the cup and plate of breakfast on the floor, she had been going 2 days without eating or drinking anything else from her grandmother since she found out she had been drugging her. Tears dwelled in her eyes as she looked towards the door once she heard footsteps. Ariaannaa laid there as her grandmother untied her.
"You got company, say anything out the way you're going to the basement." Her grandmother said quietly as Ariaannaa nodded and slowly walked towards the living room and saw her father and Jaeden.
"Daddy!" Ariaannaa screamed as she ran in his arms.
"Ariaannaa." Her grandmother said as Jaeden looked at Ariaannaa then back at their grandmother.
"We came to take her home- Ariaannaa doesn't wanna go home and you cant force her to leave." Their grandmother said speaking up for Ariaannaa as Ariaannaa looked at Keith.
"No Ariaannaa is still my daughter and I said she's coming home." Keith said as Jaeden nodded.
"This isn't over." Their grandma said as she watched them leave with Ariaannaa.
"Im sorry you went thru that, I should have listened to you." Ariaannaa said in tears as she hugged Jaeden.
"Did this woman hurt you?" Keith asked as Ariaannaa showed him the bruises on her wrists and arms

Ariaannaa and Jaeden's Grandmother pov
Once she saw them leave she grabbed her phone calling the police.
phone conversation
911: 911 whats your emergency ?
Their grandmother: *fake crying .. My granddaughter was kidnapped and is in a lot of trouble
911: Can you give me a description of her? what does she look like? when was the last time you saw her? Do you have any idea where she could be?
Their grandmother: she's 5'5, mix, Light brown hair, dark brown eyes, she had on a purple shirt and black shorts. I saw her a few minutes ago someone broke into my house and took her away. She could be at her Father's if she is, she's in a lot of danger
911: Got it what's the Father's name?
their grandmother: Keith Johnson im not sure of the middle name ....

Janelle pov
As Janelle laid around watching tv an amber alert came to her phone. She clicked on it and saw it was Ariaannaa. Janelle ran downstairs and saw Ariaannaa sitting on the couch scared.
"What is going on?" Janelle said as Keith sighed.
"Janelle now isn't the time, take your brothers and go to Devin house." Keith said angrily as The twins looked at him.
"But Dad- Just do what I say I don't have time." He said as Kira looked between him and Janelle.
"Janelle just listen- No im not leaving because of her." Janelle said shaking her head as Keith punched the wall.
"Janelle you cant be here when the police arrives just listen to your father and lets go now." Kira said as the twins hugged Keith leg.
"But what about Ariaannaa?" Janelle asked as Kira shrugged.
"She has to go with the officers, we cant interfere with that." Kira said as Ariaannaa wiped her tears away. Kira watched Keith hug all his children then sat on the couch and lit up him a cigarette.
"I got them until then just don't do or say anything for them to give you time please i'll be in touch soon." Kira said as Keith nodded.
"Be safe baby, see you later." Kira said kissing Ariaannaa's head as tears came flowing down her eyes as she watched her siblings walk out the door crying also. Once Janelle got to Kira house she hugged the twins tightly as they sat at the window watching the police run into their house unannounced.

Kira pov
Kira sat at the bar on facetime with Sarah while on her laptop. Sarah smiled knowing once she was gone she could count on Kira to hold the family down since she had taught her everything at a young age. Kira knew where to go from there without asking or stressing about what to do next. She knew she could have Keith out the same night if she wanted to as long as he did his part and that was listening and not doing anything to give the police a reason to really lock him up.
"You good baby?" Devin asked as he wrapped his arms around Kira waist and watched her write numbers down.
"I need you to cook dinner tonight." Kira said as Devin nodded and kissed her cheek.
"Ima go out and pick up a few things, you need anything?" Devin asked as Kira rubbed her finger thru her naturally long brown hair.
"Coffee please and Devin be careful." Kira said looking up at him as He nodded and left the house.

Ariaannaa pov
Once Ariaannaa arrived at the police station she saw her grandmother standing there waiting for her.
"Lets go home- No!" Ariaannaa screamed getting everyone's attention as she hid behind the officer.
"Please dont let her take me." Ariaannaa begged as her grandmother grabbed her wrist.
"Nooo!" Ariaannaa screamed out in tears as she fell to the floor.
"Ariaannaa stop it now, you're causing a scene." The grandmother said as an officer pulled her hand away.
"Can I speak with her for a minute?" The woman officer asked as the grandmother shook her head.
"No she just wants attention, Ariaannaa lets go." The grandmother demanded as Ariaannaa pulled away from her.
"Please she beats me!" Ariaannaa said as the officer stopped the older lady.
"im sorry mam but im not asking anymore." The officer said as the older lady let her go.
"Fine when you see these people dont care about you dont come running back!" She said before leaving as the officer looked at Ariaannaa.
"Are you okay? You wanna tell me what's going on?" The officer asked Ariaannaa as she nodded.
"She's lying on my daddy, she did this to me I cant stay with her please." Ariaannaa said as The officer nodded and made some phone calls.

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