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anne bit her lip at the question

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anne bit her lip at the question. you can't fail. marilla's gonna kill you, the redhead said to herself as she continued to bite her lip.​

staying up all night didn't help. she sighed, nowing she's gonna fail anyway. marilla and matthew's money aren't good, and failing would just make everything worse.

as in matter of fact, marilla would probably burst at her, being clueless of the fact that the redhead cries all night.

she left her pen on the table, and her eyes came across no other than gilbert blythe.

someone, he knew that she was failing. she didn't know how, he just knew. and the redhead could've swore than he was happy.

but in this moment she doesn't have the power to roll his eyes at him.

and suddenly, somehow she remembered everything. jane eyre. her favorite book.

how could i be so dumb? she asked herself, as she quickly tried to answer the question.

she put the pen down after finishing, smiling of the fact that maybe she would be able to sleep.

"see you tomorrow class." miss stacey said as she picked up the tests.

"anne, anne, anne." ruby gillis, one of her best friends , came across her.

"yes rub?" anne asked her, as the other girls were coming across the two girls.

"you won't believe what i just heard!" ruby smiled in excitement. don't get her wrong, she likes ruby, but god, she can be annoying as hell sometimes.

"what?" anne asked, trying to not sound annoyed, but failing miserably.

the shorter girl ignore the redhead, as she spoke again.

"i heard a new boy would come to town!" ruby said, a little too loud, catching some boy's interest.

"why would someone move to this shitty town?" josie asked, and asked let out a little cough, which made the blonde mouth a "sorry".

"doesn't matter. i heard he's cute." ruby said. the whole class was now listening to the conversation.

"ruby, you think everyone's cute." anne said, as she grabbed her stuff.

"also, gilbert said my hair looked nice today, if you wanna know." ruby said.

"oh, such a lover boy." anne rolled her eyes. she couldn't stand gilbert blythe.

he is the most annoying person he ever met, and she was once stuck with billy in a closet.

but that's a story for another time.

𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝗼𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝗼𝐮.  ❪ 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗋𝖻𝖾𝗋𝗍 ❫Where stories live. Discover now