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anne was breathing heavily

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anne was breathing heavily. she couldn't be late. it would be the 3rd time this week.

she entered the school, and checked her phone.

7;58, she read on the bright, big screen.
she went in the classroom, and to her surprise, no one was there.

"hello?" she called out, not knowing what was going on. "hello?"

"oh, hi carrots." she heard a voice from behind.
it was gilbert. but he looked...sad.

"oh gilbert. where's everyone?" anne asked.

"probably crying. i just thought you would be late so i came to check up on you." gilbert replied.

"wait, what do you mean by crying?" anne asked, confused.

"oh you don't know?" the hazel-eyed boy asked her. "miss stacey. her train almost crashed. she's in new york, and we think she might-" gilbert said, but was cut off by the redhead.

"her train crashed?! that means, she's, she's..." anne said, but her mouth couldn't do it.

she couldn't say miss stacey is dead.
something strange is happening right now.

first, she misses a meditation day. then, she canceled class multiple times, and now this?

something is definitely wrong.

but she'll have to think about that later.
tears started forming in her eyes.

she absolutely hated when other people saw her crying.

but after all, it's gilbert. he could've made fun of her many times, but yet, he didn't. i mean, yeah, he had his shitty jokes when they weren't friends, but now he's changed.

she strarted crying. the redhead couldn't help it. she immediately wrapped her hands around him.

"hey, hey, hey it's okay." he said, trying to calm her down. he slowly put his arms around her, rubbing her back.

at this point she didn't even care if someone sees her. she doesn't care about josie and her stupidity, ruby with her crush;

gilbert and anne are friends. no more, no less.
and friends hug, right?

i mean, not all the time, but they do.

"gilbert?" she asks, while they're still hugging.
he slowly pulls his head away to check if she's better.

𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝗼𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝗼𝐮.  ❪ 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗋𝖻𝖾𝗋𝗍 ❫Where stories live. Discover now