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"what the actuall hell?" anne bursted out, as she saw gilbert, way too close to the edge

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"what the actuall hell?" anne bursted out, as she saw gilbert, way too close to the edge.

she immediately ran towards him, pulling him back.

"anne, stop! that's what i wanna do!" he yelled.
she wanted to cry. gilbert's helped her so much.

she isn't struggling to fall asleep at night, she had way more confidence than before;

gilbert made her life better. but did she ever think about his? he's an orpahn too. and the worse part, he knew his parents.

anne will never know how she truly feels about her parents. gilbert had it harder than her for some reasons.

so gilbert blythe, the happy boy everyone knew and loved, was trying to kill himself.

she couldn't help it anymore.

all his words were bumping into her head. one by one, she felt like he was talking to her.

she was sweating, and her breathing got heavily. she is, selfish, rude, and stupid. she never thought about gilbert.

she knew asked him how his day was, or asked him if he is okay. and he's not. he couldn't take it anymore.

without gilbert, anne would be long time dead by now.

no one except her knows this, but once she almost killed herself.

and with that thought she fell. her legs couldn't make it anymore. gilbert catched her, and they were both laying on the grass.

"i-i-i'm sorry." she said.

"anne you shouln't-"

"gilbert listen to me." she continued. "if it wasn't you, i would've been dead right now. you've always find a way to make me fell better, and i didn't even bother to ask you how your day was."

she took a short pause.

"and now look where we are. what if i didn't come here? gilbert, i know we didn't really get along in the past, but i just wanted you to know that i like you." she continued.

"not that way, but i like you. as a friend. god, gilbert blythe you curred my depression." anne said, somehow sarcastically, letting out a small chuckle.

she meant that gilbert made her life better. but she wasn't going to explain. anne was pretty sure he understood that.

she never talked to someone like this. gilbert blythe was special.

"anne shirley-cuthbert, just by looking at you curred my depression." he said, as she looked at her.

right in her ocean eyes. she was so beautiful.

"anne...can i kiss you?" he asked all of the sudden. the redhead nodded, as they both slowly pressed their lips against each other's.

gilbert was missing, anne was supposed to be at school, and yet, they kissed like there was no problem.

so maybe after all, she does have a crush on him. he's not like other boys.

and, god, i wish i could tell you they ended up together right after this, but lying is a sin, you know?

after a few minutes, they decided to go back to the school. they both entered. everyone was shocked.

they didn't expect for anne to actually find him.

"gilbert!" everyone said, as they gave him a group hug.

"yes!" cole suddently yelled. "the plan worked."

"what plan?" anne questioned her bestfriend.

"well, we just wanted to show you that you like gilbert. and we did!" cole exclaimed.

"wait, you knew about this?" anne said, turning to gilbert.

"no i-" gilbert tried to say but was cut off by the redhead.

"i cannot believe this. you know how much i hate talking about my feelings. and i just made that whole speech because i thought you were killing youself!" anne yelled at him.

and at that very moment, everyone was shocked. gilbert blythe tried to kill himself.

"anne i didn't know about this!" he yelled back.

"i am done taking your shit, blythe. i never did this with anyone, okay? i never talked about my feelings and crap. and now i opened myself to you, just to find out you were only nice to me because you want a fucking girlfriend!" she yelled.

"anne-" he said, but was cut off by anne slamming the door shut.

it was silence. the truth is, gilbert killing himself wasn't in the plan. not even him missing was.
none of this was actually planned.

"cole, what's the "plan"?" diana said, after he dragged her outside.

"first, ruby you need to get gilbert somewhere.
most specifically to the bridge. then we tell anne we haven't seen him all day, and her and diana go and look for him. you guys go by the lake, and then billy and charlie show up.
they ask anne and diana to go on the boat with them, but charlie "accidentally" pushes anne who falls into the water. make sure to not hurt her though. at my signal, ruby you see anne, gilbert goes after her, and saves her." cole explains.

"that's bullshit, cole." jane said. "it's just gonna be a "gilbert saves anne from death". it's not gonna get them together."

"listen to the whole thing. now, moody and tillie have to keep matthew, marilla, mary and bash away from home, and we tell them they're all on a "trip". it doesn't really matter where you go, just skip the lake. then, anne and gilbert were gonna be togheter. alone. for a few hours, and we just let the magic happen." cole continued.

"you've been watching way to many soap operas." ruby told him.

"cole, there's no way i'm doing that. they're gonna hate us." diana said.

"only if he doesn't work." cole said, as he dragged everyone back.

you couldn't even hear people's breathings. diana knew gilbert didn't get mad easily, but when he did, trust me, it was bad.

"alright, what's up with the "plan"? who made it?" gilbert finally spoke up.

"gilbert, it wasn't supposed to be like th-" diana said.

"who made it?!" gilbert yelled. billy and charlie immediately went to hold him.

"we all did-" ruby started, but was cut off by cole.

"no. i made it. it wasn't supposed to be like that." he said, and went a step closer to gilbert. "go ahead. hit me."

"cole, i'm not. in your shitty way, you tried to help. i forgive you." gilbert said. he clearly was more upset than mad.

"y-you do?" cole said. "you don't have to. i'm really sorry i-"

"cole, it's fine." gilbert said, as he reached out his hand for cole to shake it. "friends?"

"friends." cole smiled at him. "also, we found a letter, and we think it might've been for you." he continued as he went to get the letter and handed it to gilbert.

billy and charlie let go of his arms, so he could read the letter.

"holy shit.."

ajsjajwjejsh i finally know where i'm going with the story. i had slower updates before because i had no idea what to do, but now i'm so inspired ayy.

update: about the depression part. yes, ik that's not how depression works. it was supposed to be a compliment, but it's currently two in the morning and i can't sleep.

it was supposed to be kind of "you made my life better" thing.

see ya in the next chapter.


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