[thirteen] 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑

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"what the hell diana?" anne bursted

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"what the hell diana?" anne bursted.

"he asked me and i said yes." diana said, refusing to look at her. "plus, i thought you didn't like him anymore."

"i-i don't. it just- nevermind." anne said. she didn't like gilbert anymore, right? so there's no reason for her to be upset.

"anne, you sure you don't like him?" jane asked.

"yes. i'm sure." anne replied.

"like, 100%?" ruby asked.


"yes. 100% sure that i don't like him anymore." anne replied.

yet, she wasn't sure about that. maybe there was a tiny, tiny chance she'd still want to be his friend, but she would never admit it.

plus, her life is going great. she has her friends, she has good grades and even her health got better.

charlie asked her to prom, so maybe they could start something.

so why is she so mad that diana is with gilbert?
i mean, who cares if they get together?

she doesn't like him anymore. she should just move on. like he did.

or he didn't. under the smiling face and the happy hazel eyes, gilbert blythe is very unhappy.

all he wants is anne. but she doesn't want him
anymore. and he hates the fact that she's completely trying to ignore him.

like nothing ever happend. like they never met at midnight because none of them could sleep, like they never talked about each other's problems, and most importantly, like they never kissed.

but now what is he supposed to do?

he can't force her to like him, and now his friends can't help.

in that very moment, it was clear for both of them.

this thing, was over. and it was for real now.


"hey charlie?" gilbert asked the brown-eyed boy.

"yeah?" he replied.

"who are you going with to the prom?" gilbert asked.

"anne." he simply replied.

"wait, what?!" gilbert asked. why are you so mad? you should move on! gilbert said to himself.

"are you mad that i asked her? i could tell her to-"

"no, no it's okay." gilbert cut him off. "i'm going with diana so it's good."

gilbert knew that charlie had the biggest crush on diana since second grade, which didn't really make sense because he asked anne.

"cool." charlie replied.



"hey jerry?" anne asked.

"yes?" he replies.

"do you have a prom date?" she asks him.

"yeah. her name's neveah." jerry replied. "what about you?"

"i go with charlie." anne replies.

"what about gilbert?" jerry asked the redhead.

"uh, why does everyone bring gilbert up?" she bursts.

"i'm not good at this love shit, but i really think you like him. and he's obviously trying to make you jealous." jerry said.

"that's not true." anne argues. "i do not like gilbert blythe."

"whatever. but you should think about it. otherwise you're gonna lose him forever." jerry said as she made his way to the door.

"this isn't a soap opera, jerry!" she yelled at him.

he just smiled to himself and turned around.

"remains to be seen."

k so this is like very crappy but i'm trying to finish this book so yeah.

i'm sorry i'm not active but i'm very busy with school and stuff.

see y'all.


𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝗼𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝗼𝐮.  ❪ 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗋𝖻𝖾𝗋𝗍 ❫Where stories live. Discover now