Chapter 1

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Lucy's Pov

"Lu-chan!!" Levy shouted my name when she saw me. I went to my desk and placed my bag beside it. Levy saw me holding my usual hot chocolate cup and she smirked. Levy and Juvia was my seatmates by the way.

"Ooohhh.. Are you and Natsu already dating??"

"WhAt!??" I exlaim, surprise by her sudden question. Juvia giggled beside me and joined our conversation.

"You and Natsu always went to the coffee shop to buy that every morning before going to school." Juvia stated pointing at my hot chocolate.

Well, it's true that me and Natsu always went to go buy hot chocolate every morning but that doesn't count on me dating Natsu!

"You guys always act like a couple!" Mira then appeared beside me with hearts on her eyes.

Sheeshh these girls.

"Guys, me and Natsu aren't dating.." I said, trying to clarify myself to them. Levy and Mira then sulked.

"Yet." A familiar voice said as his arms went on my shoulders. The girls squeel and smirked at me.

"Uhuh.. say whatever you want Lu-chan, I'm on Natsu." Levy teased and I blushed. I faced Natsu with a glare but he just gave me his famous grin.

"Tch, I feel sad for Lucy." Gray spoke as he sat on his chair behind Juvia. I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "Why?"

"Because of Flame Brain." Gray replied, earning an angry Natsu.

"What did you say Ice Freak!?" Natsu then charge at Gray.

"That you're an idiot!" Gray replied.

"Wanna go!?"

"Bring it on!"


"Aye maam!"

And there goes Erza.

"Tch, such a bunch of morons." Gajeel mumbled, looking at them boringly.

Gray and Natsu behaved and went to their desk. Erza sighed and ordered everyone to behave since Mr. Gildarts is on its way.

"Good morning brats!" Speaking of Mr Gildarts, there he is!

"Alright! Today.. we are learning about the history of our school, Fairy Tail!" Mr Gildarts announced.

"Ooohhhh... I like to hear it!"

"About time to know why it's name Fairy Tail!"

"Since Fairies don't have tail!"


"Enough chitchats!" Erza yelled and everyone went silent.

"Thank you, Ms. Scarlet." Mr Gildarts said and opened the book he was holding. The book was somehow old and it had the symbol of Fairy Tail in gold. I can't help but to feel curious of what's inside.. It's like it want me to read it.

"It all started to the founder of Fairy Tail. Her name was Mavis and she was born in Tenrou."


"Haven't heard of that place!"

"Where is that Mr. Gildarts?"

Tenrou... There's no such place named Tenrou in Fiore. I wonder where that could be?

"Tenrou.. The ancient place of Fairy Tail. The place is considered unknown to everyone but for the masters and the original members of Fairy Tail, it's not." Mr Gildarts replied and winked at us. He knows it for sure.

Everyone then turned their heads on Laxus since he was the grandson of the principal slash master of Fairy Tail. Laxus shrugged and told us he doesn't know.

"The masters of Fairy Tail went on agreement to kept the ancient place hidden because that place is full of wonders." Mr Gildarts continued his discussion.


"Could there be tons of golds and diamonds!??"

"Or maybe there are fairies with tails!!"

"Or dragons!" Natsu exclaims.

"Or magic.." I mumbled.

"Any of what you may be thinking of what's in Tenrou may be possible. It isn't called ancient for nothing, am I right?" Mr Gildarts said and everyone nodded their heads.

"It also said here that Tenrou is a place where everyone meets their happiness. I could no longer tell any infos about it because it's confidential." Mr Gildarts then closed the book. "So.. back to our main discussion.. Mavis was the founder of Fairy Tail......."

Mr. Gildarts was discussing about Mavis and how the school was made. I cannot focus on his discussion because my mind was focused on the place Tenrou.. about why Mr Gildarts tells us that the place was confidential and was hidden to the others except for the masters and the original members of the school.

What's in Tenrou that we don't know?

Is it possible that it has many secrets and wonders?

Author's Note:

Yeyyy!! New story updated!! 🎉🎉❤️❤️
How was it? 😊 Votes and Comments are highly appreciated!

Also! I'm very sorry for the wrong grammars and any typos.

Thank you for reading! ❤️


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