Chapter 40

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Guy and I practically sprinted to catch up with Sasuke. 

We knew where he was headed since Kakashi mentioned before about how Naruto left to train with Jiraiya. 

"Where are Jiraiya and Naruto exactly?" I asked.

"Otafuku Town," Guy replied. "That's what Kakashi told me,"

I nodded.

We continued sprinting over there, but then I got lost in my thoughts. I was thinking about how Sasuke claimed he was going to kill Itachi and I didn't like the thought of that. I know he's a criminal and all, but I don't want to lose him.

I needed to somehow stop Sasuke from getting himself hurt, stop Itachi from taking Naruto, and stop Itachi from potentially getting killed.

I remembered a quicker way to Otafuku Town and I took a different direction than Guy.

"Kasumi?!" Guy called. "Where are you going?!"

I ignored him and ran as fast as I could to Otafuku Town. 

The reason I remembered the shortcut is because when I was a teenager, I used to sneak out with my friends over there when I wanted to get away from my teenage troubles and when I was forbidden from seeing Gin, I would go over there to see him.

Even though my past with him sometimes helps me out in the present, he can still burn in hell for all I care.

I finally got to Otafuku Town and now I needed to figure out where to go.

I had to ask around town if anyone had seen a man with bushy white hair, a boy with an orange jumpsuit, or a boy with black hair and an Uchiha crest on his shirt. I didn't have much luck, but one lady spoke up and mentioned that she saw a boy with an orange jumpsuit at the Inn.

I quickly rushed over there and I already heard some commotion going on upstairs. I practically ran up the stairs and I was relieved to see that Naruto was there at least. Sasuke already beat me here and he was glaring hatefully at Itachi.

Kisame was there too and he was in front of Naruto.

Itachi didn't even have to turn around to know I was there.

"Why are you here, Kasumi?"

His head turned slightly and I looked at him.

Sasuke rose an eyebrow when Itachi asked that and Kisame turned around to face me.

Naruto even turned around and I suddenly felt the confidence leave.

My heart started racing and I stood there, frozen.

" stop you, Itachi,"

"And how exactly are you going to do that?"

Everyone was staring at us, which made this even harder for me.

I never dreamed of the day I'd have to fight against him. I didn't want to and I'm sure he didn't want to fight against me as well. 

I ran towards him and Kisame tried to hit me with his sword, but he was surprised when he realized he hit a substitution. 

I was now behind Itachi, with a kunai pointed behind his back and he still didn't turn around.

" don't have to do this," I whispered. "I don't want to do this,"

He didn't answer me and suddenly he turned into crows. 


Now I was trapped in his genjutsu.

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now