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Nariah Ayche'a Washington

"Wait on my signal iight?" Phoenix said. I nodded as he fixed my black mask. "Don't be scared baby girl. Long as I'm here, ain't shit gon happen to you. I promise" he smiled and leaned in, pecking my lips.

Oh my gosh. I watched as he walked off and i touched my lips, then smiled.

Watching closely, Phoenix walked up to a dope dealer that stood on the corner. With his dirty clothes and fucked up shoes, I'd believe he was a crack head too.

"Aye lemme get 1" Phoenix said holding up $20. The coke boy looked around before reaching under his tongue. Phoenix hugged himself like he was cold and I pulled out my gun and snuck up behind the coke boy.

Pushing the gun up to his neck, he froze. "Don't fuckin move" I said. Phoenix pulled out his gun and pointed it at the boy.

"Gimmie all that shit you got and make it quick for I blow your fuckin brains out" he said. The boy took to long which caused Phoenix to go through his pockets, taking all his money, weed and coke. "Anymore?" He asked, pushing the gun into the boys cheek.

"Naw yo, that's all"

3 shots went off in the boys face, and he dropped. I just stood there and watched blood flow from his face, down the sidewalk and into the gutter.

Phoenix again went through the boys pockets a d found a band. "Lying bitch" he mumbled. "Nariah let's go" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

We ran down the street until we were far enough from the body.

I paced the floor, back and forth, thinking of what just happened. He just shot him. Like it was nothing. I've never killed anyone or seen anyone killed before. My mental is all fucked up.

"You good baby?" Phoenix asked, walking into the room with the fruit salad I didn't finish earlier.

I shook my head "I ain't know we had to kill people Phoenix. It would have been nice if you told me that" I mumbled.

He stood next to me and put his arm over my shoulder "Yes we gotta kill people ma. Can't leave no witnesses behind, no matter what. The only time I don't kill is if its a child. Other than that, they gotta go" he said.

"I've never done anything like this before. I jut don't know how to react"

"Don't hold that shit in iight? If you need to talk, come to me. Now if you want to stop all this, let me know"

Again I shook my head "Naw, I'm only doing this to get Lucky"

"That's my girl" he smiled, kissing my forehead "Now come on, I want to show you something" he grabbed my hand and pulled me in the living room. On the coffee table was Money and drugs with a scale. "Iight, that's 1 pound of coke and its worth about 27,000 to 150,000 depending on how we split it. And that's a pound of weed which is worth about $4,000"

"Isn't that a lot of drugs to be carrying for one night?"

He nodded and pulled me to the couch "Olé boy must of been a newbie or some shit."

"What about the money?" I asked. There were 3 bands beside the drugs.

"That's $7,000"

"Do people usually have this much stuff on them when they out?"

"Naw not even close. So don't get to excited. They'll probably be ounces of drugs and hundreds. Nowhere near this much"

I nodded, soaking everything in. "So were going back out again, or wait until tomorrow?"

He looked at me and smiled "Its all up to you baby"

I grabbed my black mask and gun off the table "Well let's go then"

"Hol up. Listen close iight. There's 2 safes in my closet behind all my clothes. One is for the drugs and the other is for the money" I nodded "Once you get the hang of this, I'm gonna start going out to sell this shit while you go out and do what we doing now. Can you handle it?"

I nodded "I can handle it"

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