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Nariah Ayche'a Washington

I laid down on the couch with a wet rag on my forehead and my eyes closed. I could feel a headache coming and I wanted to stop it before it actually started.

"Baby" I yelled out. No answer. "Babe" No answer. "Phoenix" "King" "Mr.Har- Oh shit" I said laughing. I opened my eyes to see Phoenix right in my face.

"Why you calling my name like that?" He asked, climbing over the couch and resting between my legs. "What's wrong?"

"I feel a headache coming." I said "I have I think $20 left. Can you go to the store and get some saltine crackers and advil please?"

He nodded his head and pecked my lips before digging in my purse for the money and grabbing the keys off the coffee table.

Not even 5 minutes after Phoenix left, the headache was in full affect. Its never happened this soon though. Usually, I'd have a slight headache all day and the closer it gets to night time, the more severe the headache is. Its only 6.

I dragged myself to the room and laid down. Curling up in the blanket, I shut my eyes and held the rag to my forehead.

I've been getting headaches like this since I was young. It only started cause when I was 7, I fell face first into the pavement and had a huge knot on my forehead. When I went to the hospital, it was nothing they could do but let it pass.

Then when in was 9, I fell on my face again causing another knot to form. I didn't go to the hospital cause my mom said it was no point. If they did nothing then, they'd do nothing now.

And then when I was 12, it happened again. Since then, I've been getting these horrible headaches. When I put my fingers on my temples, its like my brains is convulsing. I could actually feel the throbbing.

I wouldn't say I'm used to the pain but its nothing I haven't been through before.

Phoenix King Harris

I walked inside with a CVS bag in my hands. I didn't see Nariah on the couch so I walked to the room and see her curled up in a ball, silently crying.

I took off my shirt and jeans and shoes then crawled in bed with her "Wassup baby?" I asked, slowly moving the blanket from her face.

"It hurts so bad" she looked at me.

"You ever had a headache this bad?" She shook her head " You on your period?"

"It went off yesterday"

"You ever get headaches after your period go off?" I asked. Again, she shook her head. I pulled her closer and held her tight as she started to cry. "Shh baby, crying only make it worse" I told her.

"I know but it hurts"

I sat up then sat her up too. Grabbing the CVS bag, I took out 2 advil pills and opened her water. I watched as she swallow them then I gave her the crackers. "Snack on these till you fall asleep OK?" She nodded and laid back down. I watched as she took bites of the crackers with her eyes closed.

I went and wet the rag a little more before putting back on her forehead.

After I showered, I laid down beside Nariah and pulled her into my chest. Her hands went to my wife beater and held on tight to it.

I waited until she was out before closing my eyes and falling asleep too.

I wake up to Nariah making baby noises, like small whining. Her lips were slightly pouted and she kept moving. Soon enough, her eyes opened. "You feel better?" I asked.

She shook her head and sat up. I turned and seen her walk into the bathroom then I hear her throwing up. I throw the covers back and walk in behind her, patting her back and holding her hair.

"You can't lay here ma" I said when she started to curl up on the bathroom floor. She pushed off me and went back to throwing up.

I took another rag and wiped her mouth off then carried her back to bed.

Nariah looked at me with tears in her eyes. I hate seeing baby girl in pain or crying. She told me about she got these headaches and would just wait it out but damn, I just wish there was something I could do to take the pain away.

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