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Nariah Ayche'a Washington

Its been about 2 weeks since Pheonix and I started robbing people. I'm starting to get used to it now, including the killing. I don't kill nobody though, I let Phoenix handle that. I don't think I have the heart to kill anyone.

The money we get its not as much as it was the first time, but its still a nice amount. It be around 500 to a thousand depending on what block we on that night. We haven't been spending the money unless its for groceries, so its just sitting in the safe and increasing.

Phoenix and I have grown closer too. At first, it was a little flirting here and there and after that kiss he gave me, he's been more touchy. Yea the kiss was just a peck and was innocent but I like were things are going.

Yea we've only know each other for only about 2 or 3 months but we've grown so close to each other. Some people might say we're moving to fast or too slow but I think we're moving at our own pace.

"Baby come here. The food almost done" Phoenix yelled from the kitchen.

I threw on one of his shirts over my bra and panties "Coming"

I walked into the kitchen and Phoenix stood over the stove in nothing but basketball shorts. Before now, I've never noticed how attractive he really is.

His S-curl fade, his light brown eyes with his lips that are naturally pouted a little. The little goatee on his chin.

His 8 pack that is just so perfectly matched with his v-line, his brown skin covered in nothing but tattoos.

And that's just his physical appearance. He is so sweet and thoughtful. He may seem like a hard ass nigga on the outside and like he don't care about nothing, but he's the complete opposite when u really get to know him

"Come taste this" he said looking over at me with a smile. I walked over to him and he lifted me on the counter before putting a spoon to my mouth. "Open"

"What is it?"

"Just open"

"What is it?"

"The seafood gumbo you've been wanting" I opened my mouth wide and he chuckled. I've been asking him to make seafood jumbo for so long. "What its missin?"

"Can you make it a little spicier?"

"Gotcha" he mumbled, turning back towards the stove. "When you think you can go out and start robbin on your own?"

"Tomorrow" I said. "There's a movie I wanna watch that comes on tonight. Can we stay in and watch it together?"

He looked back at me and smiled "You wanna spend some alone time together?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Not like that" I laughed "I just want to cuddle with you and watch the movie"

"You know Ion like that cuddling shit" he groaned .

"But you do it anyway"

" Cause you like that"

" I know baby. So can we please?"

"Whatever you want ma" he chuckled. I smiled and hopped off the counter before wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his back over and over. "Your lips soft as hell"

"I've been told"

Phoenix pushed me off him "Keep playing"


Phoenix and I sat on the couch eating our seafood gumbo and waiting for the movie to start. "Can I tell you something Phoenix?" I asked when I finished eating.

"Wassup ma?"

"I like you. A lot. Not like a friend or a brother type like you. But I don't want to start catching feelings for you, if you only see me as a friend or a sister"

"Do you already have feelins for me?"

I nodded.

"What have I done for you to catch these feelins for me?"

"You've been more affectionate then usual. You flirt with me all the time and get upset when I mention anything about another guy. I know we haven't kissed since you kissed me a few nights ago but I keep hoping you'll do it again"

Phoenix reached out for me and pulled me into his lap. "I do like you Nariah, more than a friend or sister. That's why I've been doing those things and honesty I've been waiting for you to act out on your feelins. I knew you liked me but I'd always have to be the one to start something for you continue it. I want you to show me that you got feelings and we'll go from there. Iight?"

"OK" I said nodding and looking down to play with my fingers. Phoenix gently grabbed my chin and lifted my head.

"Was I your first kiss?" I nodded slowly. His hands went to my waist and I looked down at them. "You want me to do it again?" He asked. Again, I nodded looking up at him.

He leaned in and I met him half way. His soft lips met mine and I got a tingly feeling all over. He gently bit my bottom lip and his warm tongue slowly entered my mouth, making that tingly feeling become more intense.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hand on the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. I moved a little up his lap and he sank into the couch.

"What about the movie baby?" He asked, as I pulled away. "Its on right now"

I turned back and saw the movie was on. I moved off Phoenix lap and laid my head on his chest, clutching on his waist tight.

A habit I picked up.

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