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Finn would always remember the first time they met. He could remember it perfectly.

Not the moments that led up to it, barely even the moments after, but that particular moment when their eyes landed upon one another was engraved into his mind.

The overwhelming sensation of his stomach churning, twisting so tightly he felt like he would hurl up whatever he had ate earlier. The clamminess of his hands as he was about to shake her hand cordially upon being introduced to her by the Duffer brothers. The way she looked in that exact moment, dressed in a pink shirt and jeans, her honeyed curls framing her face and falling over her shoulders. Those pointy fangs that peeked through as she smiled at him shyly, asking if he was feeling okay, instantly relieving him of his nerves and holding him steady, anchoring him as he smiled back. All he could remember thinking as he looked to her was, wow, she's got a pretty smile.

That moment, those short few seconds, they felt endless. It felt like an eternity when they first met, and it felt like an eternity every time he thought back on it. Those seconds frozen in time to be replayed endlessly in his mind.

Seeing her again now, it felt like he was seeing her for that first time again.

Only, she was no longer the small, shy girl he had first met. Instead, she was dressed in a long, thin, flowing pink dress that encaptured her as a true sight of beauty as her long brunette strands fell over one shoulder but held back to showcase her face. Her lips were a bolded red that she managed to pull off in such a way he was convinced no one else could. And though her teeth had aligned and her pointy fangs were no longer there, her smile still had the same effect on him.

It put him at ease, and whatever he had been feeling (or lacking to feel) earlier, he suddenly felt nothing but warmth. She made him feel a certain way that he had yet to find another person to make him feel.

And as she made her way over to him, each step closing in the distance between them and making him aware by how fast the space between them was shrinking, he felt that time was frozen. Nothing else around them moved.

Then, came the urge to puke up the little bit of food he had managed to eat earlier.

Thankfully, he didn't. But it was such an overwhelming feeling as she was right beside him now, only a few feet between them after having been miles and miles apart for so long. He couldn't think straight, he couldn't think at all, actually. Millie was right in front of him, her soft lips barely parted as she etched a small smile, her hazel eyes a pool of warmth.

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