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The group of friends hadn't left the Broadway theater until half an hour after the show had officially ended.

Sadie had insisted to Caleb on meeting the cast, practically pleading as she tugged on his arm and went on and on about needing to tell them herself how much she enjoyed the show. Of course, with Caleb being wrapped around her finger and only wanting to make her happy, he convinced both Finn and Millie to stick around with them a little while longer as Sadie was gushing to the Broadway cast about their talent and how she was in love with the show they had put on out there while the others stood by politely. They made their own comments on praising the cast members performance, but Sadie was the most enthusiastic of them.

It almost felt like forever that they were there, and Millie was getting easily fed up with how much longer they were sticking around. She had already began to get pretty hungry nearing the end of the show, and her annoyance was only growing with each second that ticked by. A bad combination for her withering patience.

Millie blamed the easy swing of emotions on her pregnancy hormones. It seemed that ever since it was confirmed with those many pharmacy tests, she noticed subtle little things about herself that she hadn't paid much mind to earlier. Her emotions had been starting to get all over, and her headaches would come and go more than she had thought, feeling nauseous having become a regular occurrence, hungry more and more often than before.

Getting easily annoyed while feeling unbearably hungry as intensely as she felt was a combination she hadn't yet experienced during her pregnancy, or even before the pregnancy. She had never been one to get ticked off because she was hungry, but something told her that this might just become something regular for her.

Before she could accidentally snap at someone about how long they were taking, she quietly excused herself with a forced polite smile as she made her way out of the theater, heading out towards the front of the building. Once outside in the crisp, night air, she took a deep breath in to bring her annoyance down, a few steps aside to lean her back against the bricks wall of the building.

Her eyes shut briefly as she breathed for a few seconds. She just needed to clear her head a bit, then she could head back inside. A few minutes was all she needed to get herself into a better mood.

There is much that she feels the need to gather in her mind. More prominently, how to keep such a big secret from not only the world, but from Finn. It seems the hardest part to deal with. Despite the dire need of assurance and assistance, Millie is still too terrified to tell Melanie just yet. The agent should have been told already. She knew that.

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