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As those two words settled into the suddenly thick atmosphere surrounding them, it was all it took to numb her entirely. She is shocked, to say the least. Frozen in place where she sat while everything around her feels as if it has blurred into nothing but an out of focus background.

There is silence that swallows them as she begins digging through her memory, checking the facts in her head, wondering if her calculations were going wrong with each time that she tried to remember the last day that her period came.

Maybe she just forgot when exactly. That could have been it. Her math was just getting mixed up because she had been so busy lately so she didn’t remember correctly.

Because this couldn't be happening. She had to be wrong. She just had to be. Whatever she was thinking it was, she had to be proved wrong.

But with each time that she gets the same date, the same amount of time that has passed, the same everything, she knows she can't be wrong.

Her period is late, and there's things she still can't remember from one particular night. A bad combination that only leads her mind down one path.

It doesn't take long for Sadie to speak up, breaking the sudden silence.

"You're sure?" Sadie asks her, her brows lifted high, trying to keep her voice calm. "Like, absolutely sure you're late?"

The brunette shakes her head, lips wobbling as she speaks, "Sadie, I'm late. I am late."

"Oh my God," she mutters, eyes widening as her hands went up to her chest, still keeping her composure somehow. "Oh my God. You're, like, really sure about this? Because if you're not then—"

“I’m not wrong.”

“But you never know, Millie, it could just—”

"Sadie, I missed my period." The calm that had settled was suddenly gone, and instead,  leaving room for panic. "I missed it. I'm late! Oh my God, Sadie, am I pregnant? I’m pregnant, aren’t I? Finn and I slept together six weeks ago! I never got my period! I— I can't be— I need to—"

"Millie." Sadie grips her shoulders firmly as she bent down to meet her gaze, placing a hand beneath her chin to lift her eyes up to meet her own. "Calm down. Just take a deep breath, Millie. We need to be calm about this. It's fine. Everything is fine, okay? Maybe it's not like that, you've been under a lot of stress lately, so maybe it's just something with that."

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