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The week seemed to pass by too quickly for Millie. She wished she could have prolonged it in some way, but at the same time, she couldn't wait for the day to come. Because she was going to be seeing Finn again, and it brought a mixed reaction of many emotions from her the moment she agreed.

Her pregnancy hormones were becoming her worst enemy since then. She could have handled the weird cravings at random times, because cookies and fudge brownies at one in the morning were heavenly treats. She could have handled the random waves of nausea that came less frequently now unless she ate something that dissatisfied her baby. But she could not handle the ever changing mood swings that tended to occur through every day, more often than she could even keep up with.

Through that short week, she had experienced too many emotions over the thought of seeing Finn again. She went from smiling and blushing so sweetly about her excitement for seeing him again so soon, to crying and angrily muttering about how she still felt that she wasn't ready to tell him. It made her despise herself for the way she was reacting, and she despised herself for being unable to tell him what he needed to hear.

What was holding her back? Well, all the endless possibilities. But the biggest thing was the uncertainty of his own response back to her when she would finally reveal it to him.

Especially because of something she had realized just a day after his abrupt phone call; something that seemed would be another obstacle.

"Oh my God! No! No, no, no! No, not now! Why now!"

Millie was on the verge of becoming a teary eyed ness when Sadie rushed into her bedroom faster than she could have prepared herself for her sudden appearance. Her best friend held a panicked look in her eyes, half of her hair pinned up into a bit of a mess while the other half was perfectly curled as it fell against her back.

"What's wrong?" she rushed to say as she stepped further into the bedroom. "Did something happen? Are you okay?"

Millie had a deep set frown upon her features as she remained in front of the mirror, her hands resting against the tiny bump that was finally appearing and displaying the small thing that was growing bit by bit inside of her. The bump was small, but already noticeable. She wondered when it first began to show, because it was already recognizable beneath the fitted white blouse she had considered to wear.

"I have a bump," she stated bitterly, but the sudden softness that appeared on her face seemed to contrast greatly with her tone.

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